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17 Jan 2012, 2:16 am

It's something I've been accused of several times, and in many ways I suppose I fit.

It really hit home today when I realised I was wondering why we don't perform medical experiments (ala Josef Mengele) on convicted murderers, rapists, child molesters and such.

We could learn so much, like he did, and yet we refuse to.... and for the life of me I cannot understand why.

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17 Jan 2012, 2:25 am

I could see maybe dissecting the cadavers but not experimenting on the living prisoners.


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17 Jan 2012, 2:30 am

I could see maybe dissecting the cadavers but not experimenting on the living prisoners.

Theirs crimes have stripped them of humanity and any rights they may have been entitled too in my mind... why do we feed them, keep them alive? They have destroyed other peoples lives (especially the child molesters) and yet we treat them relatively well out of some misguided idea of ethics and morality...

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17 Jan 2012, 3:03 am

They are still human and I don't think their crimes gives us reason to treat them poorly just because they killed others. It's kind of silly.

You killed someone, so now that gives me the right or privilege to kill you? Anyway I wouldn't want to put other human beings into the position of becoming like these people. Oh they chopped up and disemboweled innocent people? So we'll pay this Scientist to do the same to them? In effect making the scientist carry out an act equally as monstrous because this person deserves it?

Nah I don't want to put another human being in that position to hack up someone else into pieces or perform monstrous acts on them just because the inmate did monstrous things. I don't even want to pay someone to execute someone else. Why should another normal human become a killer just because someone else committed a murder?

To much focus is put on the deranged murderers and not on the otherwise normal humans tasked with slicing them up for experiments.

I mean suppose I was a doctor I would take the oath to "Do No Harm" and hence not want any part of slicing and dicing another human being in excruciatingly painful experiments.


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17 Jan 2012, 3:14 am

They are still human and I don't think their crimes gives us reason to treat them poorly just because they killed others. It's kind of silly.

You killed someone, so now that gives me the right or privilege to kill you? Anyway I wouldn't want to put other human beings into the position of becoming like these people. Oh they chopped up and disemboweled innocent people? So we'll pay this Scientist to do the same to them? In effect making the scientist carry out an act equally as monstrous because this person deserves it?

Nah I don't want to put another human being in that position to hack up someone else into pieces or perform monstrous acts on them just because the inmate did monstrous things. I don't even want to pay someone to execute someone else. Why should another normal human become a killer just because someone else committed a murder?

To much focus is put on the deranged murderers and not on the otherwise normal humans tasked with slicing them up for experiments.

I mean suppose I was a doctor I would take the oath to "Do No Harm" and hence not want any part of slicing and dicing another human being in excruciatingly painful experiments.

There are always those who are a-moral, and many of them would volunteer. Those who would become serial killers (some of them at least) would find their.... talents routed to a more productive means that could well bring good to humanity. At least it serves a point beyond random killings.

You wouldn't pay the tiny price of bullet for an execution to someone who has destroyed a life but you would pay the cost of keeping them alive for however long they end up living? You would pay for them to survive versus them serving a useful function that could help others to live purely because of a sense of it being wrong? Is it not wrong to allow people with illnesses to suffer (cancer is a big one. It can be induced in people and then those people can be used to try new treatments) because of an individual belief?

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17 Jan 2012, 3:18 am

In before the provided example usurps the topic:

Psychopathy doesn't worry me overmuch. I know i am capable of caring about people because I do care, however much I screw up showing it.

That said, I do worry about developing schizophrenia at some point in my life. It's a massive phobia of mine.



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17 Jan 2012, 3:20 am

Uhh, serial killers do it for the power. Where's the power in experimenting on a condemned prisoner?


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17 Jan 2012, 3:32 am

If someone actually volunteered I guess I wouldn't stand in their way. Go for it.

But because I know the courts aren't infallible all the time I'm reluctant to have people killed or in this case subjected to medical torture.

But the bigger idea is that because someone committed monstrous deeds doesn't give me license to do the same. And why would I want to anyway? Why would I want to do the horrible act of killing another human?

Beyond all this I have considered the idea of what a serial killer is and I find their life to be a human tragedy. They're like humans who decided to become beasts preying on the innocent. So much wasted potential. I think any new human being can potentially contribute so much and they turned the other way.

Also I suppose I think the concept of punishment is kind of futile. I think all you can do is find these people and contain them so they can't continue their perverse crimes.


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17 Jan 2012, 5:29 am

The fact that you "worry" about being a psychopath tells me that you are not one.

I have actually interacted with genuine psychopaths and I can tell you none of them "worry" about it.

And "psychopath" is the old term, you're supposed to call it "Antisocial Personality disorder".

Your lack of humanity against people you dictate as being below you notwithstanding, you really shouldn't give psychopathy much thought when you find yourself worrying about.

it might be worth saying (edit) that people who are seriel killers tend to be mentally ill.

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17 Jan 2012, 5:33 am

Sagroth wrote:

That said, I do worry about developing schizophrenia at some point in my life. It's a massive phobia of mine.

I notice you're 28, so it's fairly unlikely you'll develop it at this point, and it will become less and less likely as you get older - it will also get less and less likely to be severe as you get older.

- someone on the schizo spectrum.

'not only has he hacked his intellect away from his feelings, but he has smashed his feelings and his capacity for judgment into smithereens'.

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17 Jan 2012, 5:38 am

abacacus wrote:
It's something I've been accused of several times, and in many ways I suppose I fit.

It really hit home today when I realised I was wondering why we don't perform medical experiments (ala Josef Mengele) on convicted murderers, rapists, child molesters and such.

We could learn so much, like he did, and yet we refuse to.... and for the life of me I cannot understand why.

To begin, Josef Mengele performed his hideous experiments on innocent Jews and Gypsies in concentration camps, not criminals.

This may start a firestorm of controversy, but I throw this out here for you folks to chew on anyway:

In most cases, you'd learn absolutely nothing. Even in the cases where you did, all you'd see would be medical manifestations of a spiritual condition, brought about by possession and/or outside influence.

Since at the end of the day, we are ultimately held accountable for our actions, I believe that the only suitable punishment for certain crimes IS death. However, to try to dissect these people to try and learn why is not only pointless, but is also probably a worse offense than whatever the offense was that was committed against someone else in the first place.

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17 Jan 2012, 5:38 am

Phonic wrote:
Sagroth wrote:

That said, I do worry about developing schizophrenia at some point in my life. It's a massive phobia of mine.

I notice you're 28, so it's fairly unlikely you'll develop it at this point, and it will become less and less likely as you get older - it will also get less and less likely to be severe as you get older.

- someone on the schizo spectrum.

Yep, thanks. My wife and I did some research on the matter(I have family with schizophrenia, including possibly my sister, so it's always been a concern of mine), and found the typical age range. There was a scary point back when I was in my early teens when I was convinced that there were frogs with cameras in the woods recording me, but that thankfully didn't last long.

Anyhow, I hope I did not cause offense. Just because it's something I fear happening to me does not mean I dislike individuals who struggle with it.



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17 Jan 2012, 5:43 am

abacacus wrote:
It really hit home today when I realised I was wondering why we don't perform medical experiments (ala Josef Mengele) on convicted murderers, rapists, child molesters and such.

I thought so as well once.

I used to worry about psychopathy, I even voiced it to a few people. It seemed to sort of wane down, though. Yesterday I cried at something sad. I think it 'proves' me I'm not a psychopath... But I might have depression in addition to my official and self-diagnoses.

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17 Jan 2012, 6:40 am

We don't experiment on them because of how important it is to our modern society that the value we put on human life be truly universal.

That is: We have a need to be absolutely firm about stating that every single human being is equally valuable. If we don't affirm this idea, our society starts to lose its cohesiveness as gaps grow between people considered more or less valuable than others. In practice, we don't everyone equally, but when we are made aware of it, we are usually ashamed of it.

The danger of putting any human being below any other in intrinsic value--even a murderer--is that it implies to people in general that their own position as a valuable human being is not assured. They start to spend more energy on protecting themselves and their subgroup, and less on contributing to society.

In order to live in a cooperative world, we have to view each other as equals. If we don't, society we get what we've had for most of human history--a world where most people are inferior to a small group of superior people, and only the superior people get to make lasting contributions.

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17 Jan 2012, 6:42 am

abacacus wrote:
Theirs crimes have stripped them of humanity and any rights they may have been entitled too in my mind...

Welcome to the world of AS, where we do our best to sort things into a moral compass that we understand, because we do indeed lack empathy (well, I bet most of us do to some extent), but we also sort and categorize things.

The psychopath doesn't sort anything into anything; it's just, "what can I get from this person?" No matter the person.


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17 Jan 2012, 7:03 am

abacacus wrote:
It really hit home today when I realised I was wondering why we don't perform medical experiments (ala Josef Mengele) on convicted murderers, rapists, child molesters and such. We could learn so much, like he did, and yet we refuse to.... and for the life of me I cannot understand why.

First off Mengele didn't understand a thing and it wasn't criminals that he tortured. Wrong example.
Anyhow generally I don't understand this 'humane treatment' of criminals either. I'd impose death sentence and perhaps even torture in no time.
However that just contradicts Psychopathy idea because it seems that I care about such things. While it seems I could kill because of rage and hatred I would take no pleasure in any suffering of a good person and even would try my best to prevent it. Probably this seemingly cold dividing between good and evil might be mistaken for psychopathy. But apparently most people don't feel that way.

People value life too much. Why are these criminals taken care of while there are millions starving children?
Why is my need for cruel revenge is less just than your's idea of equality or something? I don't think we are equals not in any area of life - it's more like a way for a government to control the masses ant make them more passive.