visagrunt wrote:
Vigilans wrote:
No, BC may be on the west coast but I doubt they would enjoy sharing a nation with Americans
If you want to swear true allegience to the Queen of Canada and her heirs and successors according to law, then I am all in favour of the admission of a couple of new provinces.
But I'm less sanguine about breaking away from Canada, entirely. Losing access to Keith's,
poutine, maple syrup and ice hockey prowess would be significant impediments to my way of life.
I've read about the "Western Canada Concept" for a new nation. If the population votes that way, I say so be it, as I am a supporter of self-determination. I cannot see unification with American states though. That is partially my own bias against annexation by the US, speaking, most likely; I don't want to see either country dismantled. I think any merger between Canadian and US states will be weighted heavily in favor of the latter. They almost all would have larger populations than the provinces they are joining, while the province would likely have a lot of more territory and a lot more natural resources. Ultimately I think it would just be a fast track to exploitation by American-style big business. I can't help but wonder if balkanization of North America would benefit corporations more than it would the people in the new nation-states
donnie_darko wrote:
Cascadia would embrace/absorb many elements of Canadian culture.
How would you know for sure? Canadian culture is not homogenous in any case... BC is very different from Quebec, for example, in a lot of ways.
Opportunities multiply as they are seized. -Sun Tzu
Nature creates few men brave, industry and training makes many -Machiavelli
You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do