A major controversy presently gestating over America's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the requirement that health-insurance companies provide coverage for contraception.
Roman Catholics, who regard contraception as a sin, have been most vocal in their whining.
Catholics aren't alone: Mormons, some Jews, some Moslems, and some Evangelicals also eschew contraception.
My question is: What exactly is the moral objection to contraception?
I believe the stock Catholic answer is either "Because the Pope says so" or "Because our Catechism Book says so", often with some reference to what happened to Onan.
I would really like a deeper explanation than that.
Is it really necessary, for every sexual act, for semen to be enter a vagina, and for nothing to block pregnancy?
I remember reading about some Catholic couples who got around the prohibition against contraception by practising anal sodomy. But, wouldn't this also be a form of Onanism?
Do Catholics (or members of other religious groups) regard masturbation as immoral?
For the purpose of the poll, assume that the sexual act (other than masturbation) involves two people whom you feel morally entitled to engage in coitus, such as a heterosexual married couple, for example.
For the purpose of the poll (and discussion), let us assume that Onanism refers to a sexual act between two persons (whom you regard as morally entitled to participate in coitus with each other), where the sexual act involves intended orgasm, which results in anything other than a vaginal creampie (for example, fellatio, hand job, cunnilingus, coitus interruptus, etc.)