Aspie_Chav wrote:
Supermarket monopaly is damaging to the economy expecially small towns, expecially in America because they towns and cities are more relient on Cars.
It did watch the anti Walmart film, and if only half of it is true, then Walmart isn't a morail company. In the film it said that if walmart opens a store in a town, the value of business property seriously devalues.
NO, the supermarket industry is an oligopoly! Not only are supermarkets harming the retail sector there are impacting on urban planning and the real estate market (I know for a fact from one supermarket employee, that there employer makes more money on real estate than on the goods & services the supermarket sells).
Also with there diversification strategies are effecting other business sectors.
Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime. --Potter Stewart
Corruption is authority plus monopoly minus transparency. --Unknown