CyborgUprising wrote:
I went to University with a very friendly Muslim female from Somalia. I also had a Muslim math instructor who never had an ill word to speak and expressed the shame he had in how some of his countrymen behave (he's from Afghanistan). He also explained a common issue the West has with Islam. When people ask "if this is such a minority that holds resentment towards the west, why does the majority not speak out/act against the terrorists?" His answer: There is opposition to the terrorists, but you will not likely hear about that and some are either afraid to speak out or act (citing Nazi-controlled Germany prior to the Second World War) or feel that it is in Al-lah's hands. He explained that Muslims tend to be fatalistic, even using phrases like
إن شاء الله - (insha'Al-lah; "God willing") in their daily conversations, a reflection of the belief that it is ultimately up to God to decide whether or not something happens or ما شاء الله ("masha'Al-lah: "thank God)," especially when someone says something like "you have a cute kid" or "I have just graduated from med school."
That's western society knackered then, isn't it.