Jacoby wrote:
What I take of this is that a lot of these groups need better names. Post-neo-new-classical.
"Classical economists" generally refer to Locke, Adam Smith, J.S. Mill, Ricardo, and (sometimes) Marx from my understanding. They generally used a labour theory of value in their analyses.
"Neoclassical economists" refers to following economists who had incorporated marginalism into their frameworks. Jevons, Mender, and Walras are the three people who really got the concept of "marginal utility" integrated into economics and displaced the labour theory of value. Neoclassical economics shared a precent for graphical analysis and the assumption that particular markets and - indeed - the general economy are almost always at equilibrium. This fixation on equilibrium-based analysis is what made understanding the Great Depression so difficult.
Keynes offered his cryptic theories and support for fiscal policy as a way to get economies out of depressions in his "General Theory" book. He died in 1946.
John Hicks then devised the IS-LM (Investment Savings- Liquidity Preference-Money Supply) model. For some odd reason, few people ever mention what it stands for - which is odd, as "Liquidity Preference" theory helps in understanding it. Hicks incorporated a lot of "general equilibrium" ideas from Walras, and so the model was something of a synthesis between the neoclassical economics of Walras and Keynesian theory. This type of model sprung forth "Neoclassical Synthesis Keynesianism" or "Neo-Keynesianism". A notable Neo-Keynesian was prolific textbook author Paul Samuelson. Initially, many Neo-Keynesians were somewhat sceptical of the potency of monetary policy in deep downturns due to the notion of "liquidity traps".
In 1963 Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz published "A Monetary History of the United States" to argue that monetary policy was integral in influencing short-run economic downturns & a failure of the Federal Reserve to conduct monetary policy properly had worsened the Great Depression. With the stagflation of the 1970s, there was a shift towards interest in monetary policy (Neo-Keynesian analyses seemed to indicate that inflation & low output growth (stagnation) don't go together). Friedman formalized the monetarist doctrine when he said that "inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon" and, given the context of stagflation, there was certainly an interest in controlling it via monetary policy. There was also a decline in Neo-Keyensians - who tended to have more to say on fiscal policy.
A bunch of other "New Classical Macroeconomic" theories like "Real Business Cycle" theory came out. Eventually, there was a renewal in interest in Keynesian economics, but it was based on founding the results on microeconomic analyses (micro foundations). These "New Keynesians" emphasized the "stickiness" of wages (their inability to respond to changes in inflation instantaneously) and the stickiness of prices. As well, many New Keynesian models tended to be based on "monopolistically competitive" microeconomic models of markets. Something called Dynamic-Stochastic General Equilibrium (GSGE) models are also used quite a bit by this group. The Neo-Keynesians were then referred to as "Old Keynesians" in contrast with the "New Keynesians".
Post-Keynesians are heterodox (outside the mainstream) economists who believe that Neo-Keynesians and New Keynesians have bastardized Keynes's insights. They emphasize that the economy is almost always in a state of disequilibrium and have constructed verbal models to analyze this. Some, like Steve Keen, have also tried to mathematicize said models using "nonlinear ordinary differential equations" to show the "disequilibrium dynamics" of the economy. They regard themselves as continuing Keynes legacy and having been affected by it - the "post" refers to the fact that they came *after* Keynes had offered generous insights into the economy rather than *before* that (i.e. their thoughts aren't "pre-Keynesian"). Many regard money as being created endogenously (by the private banking sector rather than central bank), therefore have more doubts about the potency of monetary policy & tend to emphasize fiscal policy. Paul Davidson, Hyman Minsky, and Steve Keen are somewhat notable Post-Keynesians.
Last edited by Master_Pedant on 15 Apr 2012, 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.