If you could have lived in any ancient civilization?

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07 Apr 2012, 12:13 am

What ancient civilization would it be? I would choose to live in the Hittites Empire which was a Bronze Age Indo-European speaking people of Anatolia c. The 18th century BC.


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07 Apr 2012, 2:27 am

If I had to live in the antiquity, I would pick one of the Greek city states. Probably Athens, which was quite advanced, wealthy and civilized. And I'd have a chance to meet Aristotle :) But I'm happy that I didn't have to live back then. Life was a lot harder and much shorter in those days. A simple appendicitis was a certain death sentence.


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07 Apr 2012, 2:43 am

Hmm I think Babylon would have been a nice place to call home :lol:


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07 Apr 2012, 3:31 am

Either Ancient Greece or Ancient China preferably the Tang Dynasty.

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07 Apr 2012, 3:34 am

AspieOtaku wrote:
Either Ancient Greece or Ancient China preferably the Tang Dynasty.

The Tang Dynasty hmm I like the way you think that is a good one indeed.


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07 Apr 2012, 3:51 am

i'd love to be part of one of the nomadic tribes that used to roam america


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07 Apr 2012, 4:28 am

thedaywalker wrote:
i'd love to be part of one of the nomadic tribes that used to roam america

Hmm might I ask which one?


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07 Apr 2012, 5:23 am

Joker wrote:
What ancient civilization would it be? I would choose to live in the Hittites Empire which was a Bronze Age Indo-European speaking people of Anatolia c. The 18th century BC.

Athens during the time of Pericles.

next best Alexandria when the Library was up and running especially during the time when Etatosthenes ran the Library. Alexandria had a vibrant Jewish community especially during the time of Philo.

see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philo


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07 Apr 2012, 5:24 am

ruveyn wrote:
Joker wrote:
What ancient civilization would it be? I would choose to live in the Hittites Empire which was a Bronze Age Indo-European speaking people of Anatolia c. The 18th century BC.

Athens during the time of Pericles.


Yes Athens would be awesoem so much history happen in Athens.


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07 Apr 2012, 5:32 am

It might be fun living in a Germanic tribe somewhere between the 1st century B.C., and the 6th century A.D. Sure, life was short and brutal, with death either coming from starvation, sickness, or war. But the Germanic Barbarians had had something the rest of the known world was lacking - they were maybe the freest people on earth. Which is why wealthier, more advanced civilizations of the time - who more often than not were ruled over by autocratic regimes, and with rigid class systems - fell to Rome, these Barbarians were able to defy the Roman war machine, and keep their liberty. It is true, slavery existed in Germanic society, but slave owners very likely constituted a minority - as few tribesmen could afford to own another human being - and in practice more resembled Medieval serfdom. While free German men had a social obligation to serve in their tribal army, they also doubled as a tribal Assembly who decided major issues by popular vote, and who elected their chieftains (who were of a leading family), and who chose war leaders.
I know, I know, there were plenty of drawbacks to living in Germanic society, and I would doubtlessly regret my choice pretty quick. But I can still enjoy my fantasy, can't I?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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07 Apr 2012, 5:46 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
It might be fun living in a Germanic tribe somewhere between the 1st century B.C., and the 6th century A.D. Sure, life was short and brutal, with death either coming from starvation, sickness, or war. But the Germanic Barbarians had had something the rest of the known world was lacking - they were maybe the freest people on earth. Which is why wealthier, more advanced civilizations of the time - who more often than not were ruled over by autocratic regimes, and with rigid class systems - fell to Rome, these Barbarians were able to defy the Roman war machine, and keep their liberty. It is true, slavery existed in Germanic society, but slave owners very likely constituted a minority - as few tribesmen could afford to own another human being - and in practice more resembled Medieval serfdom. While free German men had a social obligation to serve in their tribal army, they also doubled as a tribal Assembly who decided major issues by popular vote, and who elected their chieftains (who were of a leading family), and who chose war leaders.
I know, I know, there were plenty of drawbacks to living in Germanic society, and I would doubtlessly regret my choice pretty quick. But I can still enjoy my fantasy, can't I?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

What is it about nasty brutish and short that appeals to you?

You would be better of living in the Roman Empire during the Pax Romana. The Romans had clean water and good roads. Whenever I think of those baths, aqueducts, water tunnels and magnificent roads (some of which are still in use today!) it helps me get in touch with my Inner Fascist.

The Germanic tribes lived in filth and most of their people were covered with sh*t. And their hair was full of cooties.



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07 Apr 2012, 6:07 am

ruveyn wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
It might be fun living in a Germanic tribe somewhere between the 1st century B.C., and the 6th century A.D. Sure, life was short and brutal, with death either coming from starvation, sickness, or war. But the Germanic Barbarians had had something the rest of the known world was lacking - they were maybe the freest people on earth. Which is why wealthier, more advanced civilizations of the time - who more often than not were ruled over by autocratic regimes, and with rigid class systems - fell to Rome, these Barbarians were able to defy the Roman war machine, and keep their liberty. It is true, slavery existed in Germanic society, but slave owners very likely constituted a minority - as few tribesmen could afford to own another human being - and in practice more resembled Medieval serfdom. While free German men had a social obligation to serve in their tribal army, they also doubled as a tribal Assembly who decided major issues by popular vote, and who elected their chieftains (who were of a leading family), and who chose war leaders.
I know, I know, there were plenty of drawbacks to living in Germanic society, and I would doubtlessly regret my choice pretty quick. But I can still enjoy my fantasy, can't I?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

What is it about nasty brutish and short that appeals to you?

You would be better of living in the Roman Empire during the Pax Romana. The Romans had clean water and good roads. Whenever I think of those baths, aqueducts, water tunnels and magnificent roads (some of which are still in use today!) it helps me get in touch with my Inner Fascist.

The Germanic tribes lived in filth and most of their people were covered with sh*t. And their hair was full of cooties.


Actually, that last part was based on a modern stereotype of Barbarians in general. Tacitus, in his book The Germania, had described the early Germans as bathing every day, while I believe it was Ammianus Marcellinus who described how a group of Germanic warriors had been surprised by Roman soldiers as they bathed and dyed their hair red. Julius Caesar, in his Gallic Wars, also had reported how Germans had bathed in rivers while on the war path. And we know that the Germans and Celts of that era used soap - something which the Romans didn't even do! Europeans had actually stopped bathing during the Middle Ages, due to some sort of religious mania that it would lead to immorality.
And yes, the thought of sanitation and running water is tempting, but the autocratic rule from above, as well as the wide spread institution of slavery constituted a major downer for wanting to live in the Roman world. And that Pax Romana had been achieved - and kept in place - by Roman imperialism, and amazingly harsh laws and punishments.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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07 Apr 2012, 7:39 am

Mesopotamia at the time of Herodotus

Herodotus wrote:
The foulest Babylonian custom is that which compels every woman of the land to sit in the temple of Aphrodite and have intercourse with some stranger once in her life. Many women who are rich and proud and disdain to mingle with the rest, drive to the temple in covered carriages drawn by teams, and stand there with a great retinue of attendants. But most sit down in the sacred plot of Aphrodite, with crowns of cord on their heads; there is a great multitude of women coming and going; passages marked by line run every way through the crowd, by which the men pass and make their choice. Once a woman has taken her place there, she does not go away to her home before some stranger has cast money into her lap, and had intercourse with her outside the temple; but while he casts the money, he must say, “I invite you in the name of Mylitta” (that is the Assyrian name for Aphrodite). It does not matter what sum the money is; the woman will never refuse, for that would be a sin, the money being by this act made sacred. So she follows the first man who casts it and rejects no one. After their intercourse, having discharged her sacred duty to the goddess, she goes away to her home; and thereafter there is no bribe however great that will get her. So then the women that are fair and tall are soon free to depart, but the uncomely have long to wait because they cannot fulfill the law; for some of them remain for three years, or four. There is a custom like this in some parts of Cyprus.


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07 Apr 2012, 11:53 am

I would like to have lived pre civilisation with the tribe that first discovered cannabis.


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07 Apr 2012, 11:53 am

Its hard to choose!

Ancient Rome when it was a Republic (not ruled by a Ceasar).


Japan in the 1200's~1300's.


China in the 1500's


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07 Apr 2012, 12:04 pm

In my travels I spent time in post-Marius reforms Rome; believe it or not, the ancient legionaries wore pink, not red. I tried to settle this age old archaeological feud but nobody would believe me that Caesar's legions look like a pride parade

Carthage is by far the most beautiful of all ancient cities, with Babylon either close or tied

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