Quasimodo3 wrote:
Interesting idea. Yes, the carbon emissions from the average American is much higher than the carbon emissions from the average Mexican, so immigration does increase carbon emissions, but it does so because the immigrants become wealthier by moving countries. .
Also, by being paid to cut lawns with power mowers in the USA, they emit more carbon than if they had stayed in their own countries and cut lawns with machetes.
Per-capita carbon emission in the USA is roughly four times the per-capita carbon emission in Mexico.
The argument is that an individual who moves from Mexico to the USA automatically emits four times as much carbon as he did when living in Mexico, and hence the solution to global warming is to send immigrants back to their countries of origin.
At the very least, it is comforting to blame immigrants for the world's ills.
If the American Indians hadn't been as welcoming to immigrants as they were, then I suspect that carbon emissions in what became the USA might have been less than they are now. The same might be said about Australia.