And here's the proof:
Came in yesterday's mail. I mean if this organization isn't on the up and up, who is? Just because the salutation is "Dear....Someone connected with this address" and the closing has no name on it, merely that it is from the "Senior Bishop" of blahblahblah, Must be very modest, not to use his name, is my thinking.
And just take a gander at these testimonials:
And then comes the serious part. I wasn't supposed to open the sealed fold-up until after I'd done all the rest of it, emphasized by touchdown Jesus ascending into the sky...
...but I, ahh, kinda did, anyways...
Very impressive, especially the ALL CAPS part. And, the moment you've been waiting for: the "Prayer Rug" in all its glory. First, the instructions on the back, then flip it over for a view of Jesus in his purple phase...
The image is such a mess because the "prayer rug" is actually an 11"x17" poster, and I can't do image editing for squat. Sorry about that. I did try, but when all you've got is a flatbed scanner, you do the best you can. The writing at the bottom of which I managed to truncate a good amount is all about staring at the image and watching Jesus' eyes open, which I doubt will work on the posted copy. But feel free to try.
Anyways, bidding is open. Cash only, no bills larger than $50 and they damn well better be non-sequential. Minimum of $1,000. Also specify whatever it is you're looking for, from having your sore throat healed, (see the testimonials) to getting $46,000. Oh, and I need to know if you want me to kneel on Jesus or hold him between my knees, since that's how they say it works. (I'll do the between the knees thing if asked, but candidly it strikes me as kinda oogie.)
Amyhoo, one time offer folks. Once its gone, its gone. And chances like this don't come by every day.
"The man who has fed the chicken every day throughout its life at last wrings its neck instead, showing that more refined views as to the uniformity of nature would have been useful to the chicken." ? Bertrand Russell