While I'm slightly disappointed that more people didn't participate in my previous thread about a documentary by Richard Dawkins regarding religious fundamentalism (it only went on for 3 pages), I've decided to post this thread about another one of documentaries but this time on a different topic. There is actually one more such thread that I want to post after this one but I'll do it later.
Like the one I posted last time, this documentary also comes in 2 parts. This time, Richard Dawkins examines the world of superstition, new age nonsense and alternative medicine. He basically argues against these things and for people to be skeptics, rather than simply believing everything you're told, read either in books or on the internet or see on television. Since I know that there are in fact some people on WP who believe in such nonsense, (that even includes people who believe conspiracy theories such as the so-called "truthers"), I am hoping this will stimulate debate just like the last time. However, I'm as hopeful as before that they'll participate in this thread, so only hope this will lead to an interesting discussion for those people who do participate.
In the first part of the documentary, entitled "Slaves to Superstition", Dawkins tries to examine why people believe in such things as astrology, dowsing and seances (talking to the dead) but also does little experiments in order to demonstrate that these things in fact do not work. While some superstitions seem pretty harmless, others may not be so harmless. The second part of the documentary, which is also the second video that I'm posting in this thread, is entitled "The Irrational Health Service", where Richard Dawkins examines world of alternative medicine, the distrust people have of mainstream medicine and some of the harm this does to mainstream medicine and public health. For example, he mentions how some children in the UK have gotten mumps and measles after 2 decades of these diseases not being seen because parents refuse have their children vaccinated with MMR vaccines. Of course, we all know why - they believe (incorrectly) that the MMR vaccine causes autism.
Here is part 1 of "Enemies of Reason", entitled "Slaves to Superstition":
Part 2 entitled "The Irrational Health Service" is here:
A quote that is repeated in this documentary:
"It is good to be open-minded, but not so open-minded that your brain falls out" - Carl Sagan