Vigilans wrote:
When people are talking religion and I am asked what my denomination is, I will say "I am an atheist". This usually results in some form of hostility because apparently so long as you believe in something supernatural you are a-okay, otherwise you are to be dealt with with utmost contempt.
I get this feeling too about most people. If it's "religion" then it's alright, but non-religion is bad. However, the religion itself doesn't matter, unless it's a death cult. Even Islam is rated as more trust-worthy, and given how prejudiced people seem against Islam this is odd.
I keep in the closet around anybody who is not close to me, or who wouldn't be comfortable dealing with an atheist. I am out to my parents, but that wasn't by choice. My mom noted a change in my religious actions, and called me out on the situation. My dad then later blamed me for telling her. This has resulted in a good amount of distress within my family.