Makes your blood boil? Why?
Both parties are so close in ideology/etc that they may as well just fess up and combine. The only real difference between the two is that one's just a teensy bit less right-wing than the other. Thing is, I've found that most people who want power are usually the least suited to wield it responsibly.
The only really good news I saw today is Rumsfeld's resignation. And even that's 6 years too late, in my opinion. He will quite likely go down in history as an example of how NOT to run a military campaign. My day would be even better if Bush, Cheney and Rove all held a press conference, admitted to all the crap they've done, said they're sorry, resigned and then went to work as... I dunno, lunchladies.
The saddening part of all this is that if there's another terrorist attack of ANY kind, ANYwhere, the Republicans will likely seize the opportunity to place the blame on the Democrats. At least, if history repeats itself, as it is wont to do.
And before you (general you) peg me as one or the other, I'm neither.