How does the spirit work in our body? How does it affect us?
After having a number of Out of Body Experiences throughout my life, I know we have a spirit.
Quantum physics also recognise the idea of a spirit, they call it "The Observer “.
We know as much as we can about the brain, but is there a navigator, another side to our mind we haven’t realized yet? If so, does it not put a cap on all we think we know about ourselves.
Scientist are the first to admit they don’t know how the mind really works.
Surely there is more to us than millions of neurons engaging in their environment.
I’m not a religious person; I had religion worked out from a very young age, no thank you.
When my mother was alive, we would sit and play cards, a game called trumps. On a number of occasions I would see in my mind what cards my mother had placed in her hands, and then tell her.
When I was about seven years old I screamed at my mother 23 whilst pointing at a row of birds sat on a telephone line. She managed to count the birds and sure enough there were 23. I hadn’t counted them beforehand. I would do this always with my mother present; it’s suppose to be a gift. I can still do this mind feat, but only if I’m quick enough before it becomes a thought (Guessing)
Friends have thrown dice or asked me how much money they are holding in their hands, once again, if my mind registers what is happening fast enough, it gives me the answer.
At the age of four I sat up in my bed and watched myself crawl to the end of the bed and just sit there. After a couple of minutes I crawled back over to myself and went back to sleep. I was in two different places at the same time, an Out of Body Experience.
Once again this has continued throughout my life.
I have seen Doctors over the years, all they do is pull back a chair and listen to one of my stories, then tell me of similar stories other people have told. So in other words they don’t have any answers.
I felt the moment my mother passed away from 300 miles away, I was 13 at the time.
In 1996, I was wondering around in circles one day thinking about my father whilst at work. I was clearly bothered.
Something I still do up to this day, whenever I become stressed I walk around in circles, sometime I might grind my teeth and keep repeating myself, whatever it is on my mind.
Anyway my friend saw what state I was in and asked me what was wrong, I told him that my father would be dead soon, he calmed me down and told me not to be foolish.
A week later my father had his one and only heart attack, it killed him.
How am I like some other autistic people able to know how many objects are in front of me without counting them first?
33 was the highest number of bird I saw on a telephone line with my mother without counting them.
How was I able to feel my mother pass away at 13 from 300 miles away, I felt it through my arms and chest and just knew my mother had died?
How was I able to tell someone that my father was going to die a week before it actually happened? A feat our brain can’t do, store information on events that haven’t happened yet.
My mind does other feats nobody can explain.
There is no scientific answers to all the above, living with aspergers as I do, if it were you, do you think you could work it out?