Griff wrote:
Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program. In fact, they're being extremely open about their ventures into nuclear energy. The problem is that the conservative governments of the West have ther heads too far up their butts to see them as anything other than towel-head lunatics when even the towel-heads are nothing but a bunch of stuffy, old men.
Look, if you want to find the real problem child of the Middle East, take a long look at Syria. They are evil in its purest form.
1) There trying to enrich uranium to a much higher amount needed for a fission reactor
(IAEA has confirmed that allready with air samples). Its much more expensive to
over enrich. So their not doing it for later dilution.
2) Absolutely no way does it make economic since for them to be enriching uranium
on their own. Thats the issue the enrichment plant. For the extremly small amount they
need for civilian nuclear powerplants for the next 20 years to invest tens of billion in
enrichment in 2006 is utterly insane. The same money invested in an S&P index fund
would make for more money(or any good investment).
3) They absolutely are trying to make a nuclear weapon.