Yes, that's very true. I used to be a rebel without a cause, until I actually found valid causes. My vision for a better future was what made me realize that such aimless rebels would be a distraction for absolutely no reason at all. There'll definitely be people who'll always want to stir things up for the sake of it, and they need to be discouraged at all costs. Such philosophies have to be dispelled before we get within reach of a stable future, otherwise we'll have counter-authority movements even if we managed to create a utopia or something like it.
Griff wrote:
Conformity? Too much effort, too little return.
Not quite. I used to badger NTs for conforming for a long time until I finally got a chance to be accepted into their circles. In that case, conforming gets you a bucketload of benefits for little or no effort. The little effort here is intellectual effort. All you have to do is do what everyone else is doing so brainlessly, and just put your own intelligent spin on it. You get everything you want to get
that they have to offer. So while the return seems little to you, it means everything to someone else. I value both intellectual pursuits and superficial gains, just because I can, but everything I do in moderation. When the balance changes, and I feel I'm beginning to put in too much effort I find ways of getting what I want with less effort or I abandon the pursuit altogether.
Griff wrote:
If the last generation had done anything right, I'd have gills and an exoskeleton, and I wouldn't have to worry about kicking the bucket for another four million years.
And it's interesting you make that statement. Would you happen to be a transhumanist?
"If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe."
-Carl Sagan