When slain or weary of the world, the Firstborn find rest in the Halls of Mandos. However, Eru has not disclosed what will happen of the Followers after their death.
Declension wrote:
People often say that we "cannot know" what happens to us after death. But actually, I think that we do have some pretty clear evidence. The way I look at it is this. We have a physical brain, and we also have a conscious experience. Notice the correlation:
development of infant brain <----> beginning of conscious experience
hit your head <----> temporary loss of conscious experience
new neural pathways <----> forming memories
brain disease / trauma <----> change in personality, loss of memories
destruction of brain <----> ????????
I think that is a very fine way to put it. However, this is still no certainty.
Non-nihilistic positions on life after death argue for a certain form of dualism, in which an immaterial soul is involved which interacts with its material body (and possibly
vice versa). Now, this can't be proved, but it cannot be disproved positively either.
My answer would be: Impossible to know, but probably nothing.
Vigilans wrote:
Their body decomposes. During the brief period of death for the brain, what is left of the consciousness does its best to interpret what is happening (somewhat like how a dream is formed). This interpretation of random neuronal discharges is sometimes seen as a brief encounter with the afterlife in people that are revived, but it is no more real than a dream
As I understand it, decomposition starts after consciousness is gone.
Last edited by enrico_dandolo on 15 Jul 2012, 11:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.