One could say based on some variant of the definition of a slave, postulate this
"a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person."
Normally this definition is applied to the concept of something inanimate, like a drug or a diseases. But one could apply this to an actual person.
By this standard, Pattern Domestic violence (repeated Assault and Battery, Aggravated Assault, over a set period of time, with the design of creating a dependent personality in the person subjected to the abuse, by way of physical and mental conditioning) could be viewed as a form of "slavery" per se.
The issue with getting such a thing recognized by the current Jurisprudential system would be a few things. First youd have to find a judge sensible enough to rule on such a thing, based on a set of circumstances as stated above. Secondly, youd have to hope that any appeal made against it doesnt have some loophole or provisioning for in the Constitution (I havent looked, and not going to).
Based on all this, its POSSIBLE, that such a thing could be considered.
That said, hitting your spouse one time, in a drunken fit of rage, because you knocked back one too many bud lights one night, would not qualify. Thats still Assault and Battery in the First.
An Old NetSec Engineer. Diag 11/29.
A1: AS 299.80 A2: SPD features 301.20
GAF: 50 - 60 range.
PMs are fine, but my answers are probably going to be weird.