McJeff wrote:
The military itself has stated they don't want a draft. The vast, VAST majority of troops voluntarily applied to join the army, and do not regret their decision. If you instate a draft, you'll get a bunch of America-hating leftists like those Berkely f***s in the army, and they'll be betraying army info to the militants or just shooting their own.
On the Berkley folks, probably not, likely because they flat out won't go. The idea of an all volunteer force is a good one, except when we get in situation like the one we are in right now - which, if Iraq was going to happen at all, it should have been tactical only, like the first Gulf War, instead of a victory/defeat model. We've more or less officially proven that kind of war is not possible, or even advisable, with a volunteer-only Armed Forces. Sadly, there is a large contingent of this current armed forces, especially those in the guard, that are not going to stick around long enough to move up the ranks once they are sure they won't be called up again. We may have to instate some kind of selective service in ten years or less, just to keep up with people who will not be returning, due to five or six tours in a row. Of course, there are some who will stick around, but there are quite a few who won't. How are we going to manage the future of the military? Should there be a limit to of tours that National Guard or the like can possibly be called up for? These are some issues we're going to have to contend with sooner rather than later.