YippySkippy wrote:
But I am curious. I do think that most women don't mind gender roles as long as there is no harsh judgment, expectation or stigma involved.
Whatever role makes someone happy should be accepted.
My problem is when the feminist movement devalues traditional female roles. Feminism should uplift and respect all women - that includes not only those who are career-focused, but also the homemakers and moms.
I agree YippySkippy. That's one of the things I can't stand about some "feminists".
I am sure that SOME feminists are perfectly nice people, blah blah. But I have seen and experienced several that annoy the crap out of me, so I have a negative view of the word. What I can't stand is people who turn everything into a gender or race issue. Does every single feminist do that? No. But the feminists who do do that, and who pout and slurp and whine about privilege when they have never been hungry a day in their life, well, I'd like to slap them in the face.
If someone is doing the exact same job as I am, of COURSE I should be paid the same amount of money.
But, if gender shouldn't be an issue, shut up about it already.
Instead of arguing that it's so unfair that you are a woman or that you are black or white or that you are ugly or fat or NT or AS or disabled or whatever... why not just focus on fixing the actual problem instead of emphasizing a divide that might not even be in someone's mind?
Just advocate that there should be equal pay for all PEOPLE who are doing the same job.
Even in his lowest swoop, the mountain eagle is still higher than the other birds upon the plain, even though they soar. --Herman Melville