Why are liberals so g-d d-mn st00pid sometimes?

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19 Sep 2012, 12:25 am

In case you haven't already heard about the Savannah Dietrich case(google is ur friend), you read about it here as this is the article I'm quoting from.

FTR: I support Savannah Dietrich and applaud her on having the courage to speak out even under the threat of arrest. I find it unacceptable that her 1st amendment rights were trampled upon despite the fact that she did nothing wrong NOR was she charged with any crime whatsoever! This whole case is one of many examples of corruption in the American criminal justice system and I would like nothing more than to see that ret*d judge disbarred.

Upon reading the comments to the linked article, I noticed a liberal apologist with the handle "warwick" posted this little butt nugget:


Obviously a good thing that they didn’t push charges, but still, I’m not sure we necessarily want convicted criminals who are minors to be named and shamed – minors are kept anonymous for some good reasons.

why shouldn’t she be able to shame them after a guilty plea in the same way they tried to shame her…?

I guess the obvious answer is because the justice system isn’t supposed to be about revenge or retaliation. Anyway, it’s pretty hard to disagree with her when you see what she says. But still.

But still WHAT???

With the exception of heinous violent crimes, the justice system is primarily supposed to be about correcting criminal behavior through punishment and then rehabilitation. Not only did the plea deal this stupid judge made protect them from any jail time, it was intended to shield these disgusting perverts from any SOCIAL consequences! Allowing them to get away with it.

If you teach your children right from wrong, and one of your children deliberately does something they know is wrong(as you taught them), then how the f*ck are the supposed to learn if there are no consequences to their actions?!? In short, they DONT. They think they can get away with it and they keep doing it. These 2 boys are spoiled brats who desperately needed to learn that there are consequence to your actions.

The damage to their reputations is the natural and logical consequence to their behavior since they won't be doing any jail time. They need to learn from their mistakes and the social fallout will force them to face up to what they've done. What they do NOT need is to be sheltered any further and for people to be sympathetic to them because they were minors. That's what imbeciles like warwick think. I've never understood why so many libs think that retribution is "baaaaaaaaad". :x I guess warwick is just another useful idiot to defend the legal system.


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19 Sep 2012, 2:07 am

What some random jerk off on a message board said is hardly worth my time. I mean, this warwick person is such a well known spokesperson from the liberal media, right? They're right up there with Arianna Huffington and Cornel West, I take it?

I stopped reading at "liberal". I don't even really see how you extrapolated that this person is liberal, and I have no idea wtf this is even relating to. They could just be trolling, or you could have even wrote it for all I know. Regardless,


...and that might even apply to your friends on Free Republic as well.

I wish hyper-conservatives would be a bit more consistent on what your perception of liberals are. Either liberals are too sensitive about women's rights and create a bunch of unnecessary sexual harassment laws or they aid and abet sex offenders. Make up your mind.


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19 Sep 2012, 3:55 am

I could ask why conservatives are so ignorant, selfish, greedy and mean sometimes too. What does this accomplish?

I was interested in the news from a couple years back about liberals and conservatives having different brain structures, with conservatives apparently having a larger "fear center" of the brain than liberals do. That makes a lot of sense! On one hand it's kinda scary that supposedly free will choices may be very deterministic after all. On the other hand, it does explain a lot.

In general it seems the more education one has the more likely one is to have liberal views. Conservatives claim it is because of liberal bias in the schools, but maybe, just maybe, reality has a liberal bias. Maybe the more information one has (as long as it is not bogus or distorted like Fox News), and the better one is able to reason critically, the more likely one is to be liberal. Maybe as Santorum recently said, the smart people will never be on the conservatives' side!

What I see are conservatives denying science (sometimes for religious reasons, sometimes to protect their greed, sometimes both), favoring the rich in what seems to me to be unfair ways, exploiting the poor, raping and poisoning the planet to make a quick buck, and not caring about anyone else but themselves. I see liberals trying to help everyone (including rich people and conservatives, just not letting them take unfair or unethical advantages), and protect the planet, and being more fair about everything, not about being selfish greedy and mean. Of course that's my opinion and you may see things differently than me. It might be because our brains might be wired differently from each other.

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19 Sep 2012, 4:02 am

People in general tend to be stupid sometimes regardless of what political party they represent.

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19 Sep 2012, 4:04 am

Those dang humans!

"When you ride over sharps, you get flats!"--The Bicycling Guitarist, May 13, 2008

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19 Sep 2012, 5:57 am

I don't see that much difference between a liberal and a conservative to be honest

They are both tools of the ruling class

19 Sep 2012, 6:23 am

TheBicyclingGuitarist wrote:
I could ask why conservatives are so ignorant, selfish, greedy and mean sometimes too. What does this accomplish?

I was interested in the news from a couple years back about liberals and conservatives having different brain structures, with conservatives apparently having a larger "fear center" of the brain than liberals do. That makes a lot of sense! On one hand it's kinda scary that supposedly free will choices may be very deterministic after all. On the other hand, it does explain a lot.

In general it seems the more education one has the more likely one is to have liberal views. Conservatives claim it is because of liberal bias in the schools, but maybe, just maybe, reality has a liberal bias. Maybe the more information one has (as long as it is not bogus or distorted like Fox News), and the better one is able to reason critically, the more likely one is to be liberal. Maybe as Santorum recently said, the smart people will never be on the conservatives' side!

What I see are conservatives denying science (sometimes for religious reasons, sometimes to protect their greed, sometimes both), favoring the rich in what seems to me to be unfair ways, exploiting the poor, raping and poisoning the planet to make a quick buck, and not caring about anyone else but themselves. I see liberals trying to help everyone (including rich people and conservatives, just not letting them take unfair or unethical advantages), and protect the planet, and being more fair about everything, not about being selfish greedy and mean. Of course that's my opinion and you may see things differently than me. It might be because our brains might be wired differently from each other.

For the most part I am what most Americans would consider to be a liberal. But it really depends on the issue and when it comes to crime and punishment I really disagree with what most other liberals think. Revenge seems to be a cardinal sin for most people on the left when it comes to crime and I've never understood this. In fact, it maybe more than just the left, but in our culture in general due to the legacy of Christianity.

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19 Sep 2012, 6:43 am

AspieRogue wrote:

For the most part I am what most Americans would consider to be a liberal. But it really depends on the issue and when it comes to crime and punishment I really disagree with what most other liberals think. Revenge seems to be a cardinal sin for most people on the left when it comes to crime and I've never understood this. In fact, it maybe more than just the left, but in our culture in general due to the legacy of Christianity.

The countries who focus more on rehabilitation and less on revenge have less incidence of recidivity and less pro-rata crimes.

It is not the left that is more "Christian"(actually most atheist are left-wing and most foundie are conservatives),but is the right insistence on Rational Choice,Homo Economicus,Psychological egoism etc that is wrong


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19 Sep 2012, 9:10 am

Wow someone posted comments in an article. OMG


19 Sep 2012, 9:49 am

NoPast wrote:
AspieRogue wrote:

For the most part I am what most Americans would consider to be a liberal. But it really depends on the issue and when it comes to crime and punishment I really disagree with what most other liberals think. Revenge seems to be a cardinal sin for most people on the left when it comes to crime and I've never understood this. In fact, it maybe more than just the left, but in our culture in general due to the legacy of Christianity.

The countries who focus more on rehabilitation and less on revenge have less incidence of recidivity and less pro-rata crimes.

It is not the left that is more "Christian"(actually most atheist are left-wing and most foundie are conservatives),but is the right insistence on Rational Choice,Homo Economicus,Psychological egoism etc that is wrong

IDK what country you live in but here in the US, the criminal justice system bestows more rights to convicted criminals than it does to victims of crime. ESPECIALLY crimes against the person(violent and sexual offenses). And yet we have a very high crime rate and an exceptionally high rate of recidivism! Why do you suppose that is?

warwick's attitude isn't unique to him. It's pervasive enough amongst many in the legal system that things like what this idiot judge did are allowed to happen. And that ladies and gentlemen, is what this thread is REALLY about!

And FYI, ironically, many left leaning atheists and agnostics follow certain christian principles despite their lack of belief in christian theology. It has to do with the legacy of christianity and it's impact of western culture.


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19 Sep 2012, 10:02 am

or that christinaity used a set of previously "agreed" on values that in turn through many systems ended in our modern sense of ethics.

most of which are shared among most of the worlds cultures as well, further debasing any claim that it is inherently "christian".

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19 Sep 2012, 10:49 am

The difference between American conservatives and American liberals isn't that big. If you don't like the Democrats, then don't vote for them.

Bill Clinton could point at the lowest unemployment in modern history, very low inflation, high economic growth and the highest home ownership rate of all times.

19 Sep 2012, 11:24 am

Kurgan wrote:
The difference between American conservatives and American liberals isn't that big. If you don't like the Democrats, then don't vote for them.

Bill Clinton could point at the lowest unemployment in modern history, very low inflation, high economic growth and the highest home ownership rate of all times.

Actually it is. And keep your partisan politics out of my thread. This is about political parties, it's about the LEGAL SYSTEM.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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19 Sep 2012, 11:27 am

AspieRogue wrote:

IDK what country you live in but here in the US, the criminal justice system bestows more rights to convicted criminals than it does to victims of crime.

actually not,Human rights abuses are pretty normal in US prison and the US have the worst legal system(for the criminal pov) in the western world

19 Sep 2012, 11:36 am

NoPast wrote:
AspieRogue wrote:

IDK what country you live in but here in the US, the criminal justice system bestows more rights to convicted criminals than it does to victims of crime.

actually not,Human rights abuses are pretty normal in US prison and the US have the worst legal system(for the criminal pov) in the western world

Do you consider South Africa to be a western country? The HR abuses there are 1000 times worse than in the US, which is cleaning up its prison system.

The problem with American justice is that is is a BUSINESS! That means people with money and social influence can manipulate the system to get deals like these 2 perverts got where they basically got away with what they did! If minors are shielded from the social fallout of their actions like this, then it sends the message to them that they can get away with this behavior and this serves to perpetuate juvenile delinquency.

I, along with many other Americans, are fed up with this kind of corruption when it comes to the Law. I think it's time to change the law and legally tie the hands of judges against imposing involuntary gag orders on people who have never been charged with a crime nor entered any agreement with the court.


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19 Sep 2012, 12:02 pm

AspieRogue wrote:
NoPast wrote:
AspieRogue wrote:

IDK what country you live in but here in the US, the criminal justice system bestows more rights to convicted criminals than it does to victims of crime.

actually not,Human rights abuses are pretty normal in US prison and the US have the worst legal system(for the criminal pov) in the western world

Do you consider South Africa to be a western country? [quote]


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