ruveyn wrote:
Crony Capitalism is a form of socialism where losses are socialized and profits are privatized.
They pulled the wool over your eyes. 90% of capitalism is crony capitalism. Always has been, always will be. A few come in first and invent something new or bring a revolutionary technology to the masses. Then the rest follow at their heals chasing the paper and devising more and more clever schemes to game the system. The previous generation of innovators ultimately give birth to entitled douchebags who spend their entire career rent seeking, shutting down competition, and trying to get out of paying any taxes.
Crony capitalists also like take government bailout money after they crash the economy and then point the finger of blame on government. Clever fellows they are. Whenever the heat starts to built it's... Quick, change the subject! It's not about us anymore! It's the poor n***** and their "culture of dependency" that's a drag on this economy! We have to cut them off before they drown us all in debt! They have lots of obedient little repuglicans groveling before their holiness and praising trickle down economics.