Kurgan wrote:
MarketAndChurch wrote:
Something cannot come from nothing. Material has limitations, and does not span from everlasting to everlasting. If there was a pre big bang to have sparked the big bang, that pre big bang still suffers the same questions as the original big bang.
The Big Bang didn't come from nothing. If you go to time 0, our best approximation would be a singularity universe with zero volume and infinite density, but we know extremely little about the Big Bang before one Planck time. The Big Bang is not a theory that explains how the universe was created, but how it's expanding and the consequences of this expansion.
The only way you get something from nothing is if its creator or creating force is not bounded to or forced to live within the confines and limitations of naturalism.
Omnipotence would allow a God to be above physical laws and time.
If that creator something or causer that sparked or guided the big bang is immaterial, and unnatural/supernatural, then we cannot assess IT with the laws that govern nature or the material world, and certainly not with natural modes of measurement. We can only observe the science behind the creation or the created. That is it.
True enough.
I agree.
I guess since we know nothing of what came before this singular universe, or how this universe came about at all, the question, absent a supernatural force, is where did this singular universe come from, or why it exists. How can we construct a testable proof for it. What made it so... wherein the construction of this singular universe could have just read like a lifeless ream of very precise and complex equations on endless sheets of paper, what put the fire behind the equations to use Hawkings own question, and made them a physical reality. What compels a universe into existence.
A pre big bang is what has been entertained, one that maybe sort of contracted or inflated. Hawkings entertains a wick transformation but I know too little of that or the numbering system that would have to be manipulated to comment on it. Our universe may also be be a side-reaction of other universes, we don't know.
It is not up to you to finish the task, nor are you free to desist from trying.