The last war between developed, was World War II. Ever since, in Korea, in Vietnam, in Iraq and Afghanistan, we have fought enemies that were behind us in terms of tactics, training, available technology, and economy. It is widely touted that war between developed nations is obsolete. I hope that this is the case. However, I have some concerns.
First, it has been 70 years since World War II. Less than a century. We've had periods of peace longer than that before. We've had wars longer than that before. It seems rather absurd to think that 70 years is long enough to declare us permanently at peace with all other developed nations.
The UN has been pretty much ineffectual. The EU is faltering. American supremacy is at it's weakest point in a century. Meanwhile, nations like China & Iran are on the rise. China, I think, will think twice before attacking Taiwan or committing any other action that might destabilize their region, but I wouldn't put it past them. Iran is a ticking time bomb, and is perfectly situated to set off a regional conflict, drawing major nations into play. Pakistan is a wild card.
Meanwhile, the situation with Muslims in Europe is tense and getting tenser, and I wonder how long we have until someone does something incredibly stupid and sets off a powder keg. The Arab Spring has also put Jihadists, Mahdists, and other fundamentalists in the strongest position of power in the Levant and Africa that they've enjoyed in decades.
It's often said that war is in no one's interest, as it would disrupt business. That hasn't stopped us before. Both World Wars were fought despite the fact that they disrupted an entire continent and a half. Would business really stop a major war now?
We, in America and most of the West, have had an enviable position. Thanks to "modern war", we civilians are more detached than ever before from the conflicts that have go on for the better part of the last century. This means that despite constant war, we have been at peace, since none of our fights have require a total war approach. I have the sneaking suspicion that this situation will not maintain itself. I fear that a major war is inevitable.
What are your thoughts?