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01 Feb 2007, 6:11 pm

At least it was a Rabbi this time, instead of a Catholic Priest.


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01 Feb 2007, 6:48 pm

amerikasend wrote:
At least it was a Rabbi this time, instead of a Catholic Priest.

Why is that good?
Do you think abuse should be equaly shared out amongst the religions? Thats crazy!


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02 Feb 2007, 9:04 am

amerikasend wrote:
At least it was a Rabbi this time, instead of a Catholic Priest.

I bet you are assuming that for rabbis it is less common than for priests...

How about the fact that Margulies was covering up Kolko for several decades. And also whenever he was asking other rabbis to help him to cover up Kolko they all cooperated. So this obviously isn't just one rabbi, it must be something that the whole community of rabbis chose to tolerate.

Towards the middle of this page I see a quote that talks about the fact that actually it is quite cmmon among rabbis, other than Kolko:

Yehuda Kolko first caught the attention of religious authorities as early as the mid-eighties, after a major sexual-abuse scandal rocked the ultra-Orthodox world in Brooklyn. A Hasidic psychologist named Avrohom Mondrowitz had been accused of not just molesting but having intercourse with four boys in his care, ages 10 to 16, some of whom he allegedly took away on long weekends. He was indicted in 1985 but decamped for Israel. In the wake of the case, several prominent rabbis in Brooklyn decided to field complaints about rabbis and others accused of molesting kids. The rabbi chosen to look into Borough Park, who spoke to New York on the condition of anonymity, says Kolko's name came up repeatedly.


Is molestation more common in the Orthodox Jewish community than it is elsewhere? There are no reliable statistics on the subject—molestation often goes unreported, even in relatively liberal communities—but there's reason to believe the answer to that question might be yes. "I wasn't even looking for it, and the amazing thing was how often it would just come up," says Hella Winston, whose recent book, Unchosen: The Hidden Lives of Hasidic Rebels, examines ultra-Orthodox Brooklyn through the eyes of some dissident members who struggle with the dictates of the community. "I heard more from men than from women. What was really shocking was how many boys—so many boys—have had this experience. People I've interviewed have told me every Hasidic kid has heard about this happening to someone."

Also I came across an article that speaks about Talmud actually condoning pedophilia: ... ecret.html


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02 Feb 2007, 10:06 am

ather Adamakis was convicted in 1986 for molesting two adolescent boys in Torrance California and sentenced to 78 days in jail. While still on probation for this offense, he molested two more boys he met through an Episcopal Church youth group in Hermosa Beach, California. He pled guilty to the new charges in March of 1990.He was sentenced to nine years and eight months in prison, eight years for the probation violation and an additional 20 months on the new charges of sexual battery and child molestation.

When the second set of charges were filed, Metropolitan Anthony, the Greek Orthodox Church bishop in San Francisco, said a defrockment action had been pending against Adamakis for more than a year, stemming from repeated, but never substantiated, allegations of "sexual misbehavior." (LA Times, "Priest Arrested in Molestation Attempt," by Shawn Hubler and James Rainey, January 5, 1990) Pokrov is unclear as to why the 1986 conviction was apparently not considered substantiation of the repeated allegations.

Religious Leaders
Religious leaders were grouped into Roman Catholic priests, non-Catholic Christian clergy, and non-Christian clergy. There were 116 Catholic perpetrators: 95 who engaged in homosexuality and who violated 229 children; 17 who engaged in heterosexuality and who raped 24 girls; and 4 who engaged in sex with at least 4 children of unspecified sex.

There were 61 non-Catholic Christian clergy who molested the underage. Those who engaged in homosexuality included four clergywomen (Church of Christ, Protestant, 2 Pentecostals) and 35 clergymen (one each from 7th Day Adventist, Salvation Army, Evangelical Free, and Greek Orthodox; and 9 Protestants, 8 Pentecostals, 2 Lutherans, 4 Episcopalians, 2 Methodists, and 6 Baptists). These 39 ‘homosexuals’ raped 229 children. Twenty one ‘heterosexual’ clergymen raped 31 girls (2 Seventh Day Adventists, 2 Church of Christ, 8 Protestants, 6 Pentecostals, and 3 Baptists). One additional Episcopal clergyman raped a child of unspecified sex.

In addition, 4 Rabbis homosexually raped 10 children, 2 Rabbis heterosexually raped 2 girls, a Mormon pastor who engaged in homosexuality violated 3 boys, 3 Mormons heterosexually raped 10 girls, and a (male) Buddhist monk raped a boy.

Overall in this set, clergywomen accounted for 6.7% of non-Catholic Christian clergy molesters, but 10.3% of homosexual molesters Ñ suggesting that clergywomen may be disproportionately homosexual.

Are Christian Clergy Molesters More Frequently Homosexual?
With at least 78% of the 172 clergy perpetrators whose sexual proclivities could be determined engaging in homosexuality, the Christian clergy were statistically more apt to engage in homosexuality than were non-clergy perpetrators, only 37% of whom practiced homosexuality. Broken down by religious factions, of 57 Protestant clergy perpetrators (excluding Eastern Orthodox priests), at least 34 (60%) engaged in homosexuality. Of 116 Catholic clergymen perpetrators, at least 95 (82%) engaged in homosexuality. Protestant clergy were thereby statistically less apt to engage in homosexuality than Catholic clergy, but more apt to do so than non-clergy. Even adding Rabbis to the mix Ñ of whom 4 of 6 engaged in homosexuality Ñ would not change the fact that a higher fraction of Judeo-Christian leaders engaged in homosexual molestation than did non-clergy.

In terms of numbers of children victimized, non-clergy perpetrators raped 5,080 children, while the 189 clergy (8.7% of all perpetrators) victimized 572, or 11% of the total. Clergy raped at least 2.3% of the 2,206 children victimized by heterosexuals, and at least 14.5% of the 3,446 children raped by homosexuals. These numbers are consistent with the notion that there seem to be higher rates of homosexual molestation among the clergy than among the non-clergy.

Damn glad I'm an atheist and was never exposed to religious leaders.


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02 Feb 2007, 2:36 pm

Letum wrote:
amerikasend wrote:
At least it was a Rabbi this time, instead of a Catholic Priest.

Why is that good?
Do you think abuse should be equaly shared out amongst the religions? Thats crazy!

Why do these Religious figure molest little children? Sexual abuse IS equally shared throughout religions. The Christians seem to enjoy touching little boys. The Jewish priest seem to of caught on and found amusement in it to.

My statement shows that now we know about more of the religious pedophiles.


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03 Feb 2007, 11:20 pm

Child molestors go where the children many times do we open a newspaper and read about teachers molesting children?????ALL THE TIME, and these creeps hide out in churches, professing faith to get at the vunerable. They aren't Christian, Jewish, Catholic, they just go along so they can have these children. Ministers as well as any church leaders are by law mandated reporters, if they know of abuse they have to report it, if they don't...they can be arrested. They can no longer hide under Pastor/Perishoner confidential. And I whoile heartedly agree with this law. I speak from experience, I was a victim when I was a child of one of these creeps, he had a history, but it was covered up, I was a victim at 11, came back to tell on him at 18, and read about him being arrested when I was 25. He continued his rampage till someone told a parent who believed her and then others came forword. The church was shut down. My Pastor said they deserved to be shut down, they knew and did nothing.


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03 Feb 2007, 11:34 pm

Paula wrote:
Child molestors go where the children many times do we open a newspaper and read about teachers molesting children?????ALL THE TIME, and these creeps hide out in churches, professing faith to get at the vunerable. They aren't Christian, Jewish, Catholic, they just go along so they can have these children. Ministers as well as any church leaders are by law mandated reporters, if they know of abuse they have to report it, if they don't...they can be arrested. They can no longer hide under Pastor/Perishoner confidential. And I whoile heartedly agree with this law. I speak from experience, I was a victim when I was a child of one of these creeps, he had a history, but it was covered up, I was a victim at 11, came back to tell on him at 18, and read about him being arrested when I was 25. He continued his rampage till someone told a parent who believed her and then others came forword. The church was shut down. My Pastor said they deserved to be shut down, they knew and did nothing.

Aren't Christians and Catholics basically the same thing? Megans Law - Protecting Children from Pedophiles. Cardinal Law Protecting Pedophile Priest from the law.


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04 Feb 2007, 12:41 am

I agree Christian and Catholic are the same, but since Christian, Catholic and Jewish was all mentioned I also included them.


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04 Feb 2007, 12:58 am

Make steriization a requirement for clergy or allow them to marry. Or better, let woman be clergy to.

Problem solved.

How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!


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04 Feb 2007, 2:58 am

amerikasend wrote:
Aren't Christians and Catholics basically the same thing? Megans Law - Protecting Children from Pedophiles. Cardinal Law Protecting Pedophile Priest from the law.

No they are NOT. Catholics believe in Papacy, as well as in the teaching of church fathers (i.e. outside the bible) which is referred to Holy Tradition. Protestants reject both and believe in bible alone. Furthermore, Catholics beleive that salvation is by faith, works, and church membership combined (and the exact equation is something only God knows) while Protestants claim that salvation is by fath alone. Also protestants reject the work of the church fathers during the first few centuries since it wasn't part of the bible. And finally Protestant bible leaves out Apocryphal books which catholic bible include and there are a possible few other differences between catholic and protestant bible.

Appart from Catholics and Protestants there are also Eastern Orthodox. But basically according to the philosophy Eastern Orthodox are more similar to Catholics, with the difference being that they have Arch Bishop instead of Pope.

On any event, the word "Christian" refers to any of the three cathegories (Cathollics, Eastern Orthodox or Protestant). However, protestants insist that neither Catholics nor Eastern Orthodox are true christian because tehy got a wrong salvation doctrine, and therefore they only use the word Christian as synonim of Protestant. Now, demographically, USA is mostly protestant, Western Europe is mostly Catholic, and Eastern Europe (Russia and Grece) is mostly Orthodox. Therefore, while in USA, the word Christan is often refered to Protestants alone, while in Europe it usually used as all inclusive term.

As far as catholics are concerned, they DO view both Protestants and Orthodox as Christian religions. So I don't think there is anyone on the planet (including catholics) who would use "christian" as a synonim of "catholic". At best, "christian" would be broader cathegory. At worst, "christian" would refer to "protestant" which would make it mutually exclusive with "catholic".


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04 Feb 2007, 3:00 am

Flagg wrote:
Make steriization a requirement for clergy or allow them to marry. Or better, let woman be clergy to.

Problem solved.

In case of rabbis, they ARE allowed to get married. In fact in Judaism if someone is over 30 and non-married it was always frowned upon, and it is also possible that non-married ppl weren't allowed to be rabbis, but I am not sure about that.

On any event, Rabbi Kolko WAS married, but it didn't stop him from doing what he did.


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04 Feb 2007, 5:10 am

Still got Catholic priests to deal with.....

How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!


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04 Feb 2007, 12:48 pm

Flagg wrote:
Still got Catholic priests to deal with.....

Well if we have Rabbi problem DESPITE the fact that they are allowed to marry, may be allowing Catholic priests to marry won't solve their problem either.


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04 Feb 2007, 6:34 pm

Flagg, I cannot believe you actually believe sterilization or marriage will prevent people from molesting children. Wake up and smell the reality.......most child molesters are married and have children of their own. What on earth are you thinking here. This is sexual battery here, not an act of wanting a partner. The man that got ahold of me had been molesting children for years. He had a wife, he had children, he could have been with women, thats not what he wanted. I can't believe you think that if Catholic Priest got married they wouldn't harm children. FALSE,FALSE,FALSE. And most Priest,Rabbis,Clergy and Teachers are NOT CHILD MOLESTERS. You write as if only pediphiles work in the church, they are EVERYWHERE. Why only deal with people in the church???? Wrong is wrong. And I am very discusted with what you are saying here. You think you have the answer...let them marry. HELLO, most are.


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05 Feb 2007, 12:35 am

Paula wrote:
Flagg, I cannot believe you actually believe sterilization or marriage will prevent people from molesting children. Wake up and smell the reality.......most child molesters are married and have children of their own. What on earth are you thinking here. This is sexual battery here, not an act of wanting a partner. The man that got ahold of me had been molesting children for years. He had a wife, he had children, he could have been with women, thats not what he wanted. I can't believe you think that if Catholic Priest got married they wouldn't harm children. FALSE,FALSE,FALSE. And most Priest,Rabbis,Clergy and Teachers are NOT CHILD MOLESTERS. You write as if only pediphiles work in the church, they are EVERYWHERE. Why only deal with people in the church???? Wrong is wrong. And I am very discusted with what you are saying here. You think you have the answer...let them marry. HELLO, most are.

Then make sterilization by Castration required.

Without testicles there is no way one can even get an erection.

How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!