ruveyn wrote:
knowbody15 wrote:
The Torah keeps it specific on who gets killed, it's contained to a certain time in history. If you're an amelakite, or a caananite, you're in trouble. And no Jew should ever argue that the Torah isn't violent, but like I said, it's contained to certain peoples during a specific time in history. Is it what it is.
There are ultra-right Jewish fanatics that refer to the Jihadis as Amalekites. Which means they believe in their extermination That would be Jewish Genocide (I am ashamed to say). But this gush emunim types might have a point.
Interesting reading up on Gush Emunim... I think at the end of the day, you'd have to stretch to find justification for violence in the Torah, an open ended commandment to kill people. These guys are clever in their interpretation, but I dont think the Torah teaches extermination during the messianic age, and no Jew should support these guys if they are talking about extermination......
This is all vastly different than the open ended violence in Islam....
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