The_Walrus wrote:
If it isn't that bad, why do people need automatic and semi-automatic weapons to defend themselves?
First, no one is defending themselves or attacking others with automatic weapons, they do exist here but are so rare, tightly controlled, and expensive (like $10,000 expensive) that no one is doing anything with them besides shooting up paper and admiring them in safes.
Second, in this country it's a right, so we don't have to prove a need.
I own revolvers, bolt action rifles, pump shotguns, pump rifles, semi-automatic pistols and semi-automatic rifles, and they all have different uses and I own them all for different reasons. Why do I carry a semi-automatic pistol rather than a revolver? Because it's lighter, easier to conceal, easier to reload and easier to shoot, not because it's the most powerful firearm I own. Why do I own revolvers then? Because the ones I own chamber powerful cartridges and are exceptionally accurate, just the thing for long range target shooting at the range. Why is it any of anyone's business? Beats the hell out of me.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez