thomas81 wrote:
Cant help feeling if the philosophy proposed by the OP was practiced on the global political stage, Israel wouldnt exist.
And that goes a thousand times over for Islam, because the 'Religion' of Permanent War and Submission wouldn't exist, full stop, because Muhammad wouldn't have had people murdered and tortured for not converting to his foul makey-uppy totalitarian cult* in the first place. In fact, Muhammad would have been a completely different person, and not a warmongering child rapist, murderer and criminal. What a lovely world that would be.
The entire edifice of Islam is built on war, blood and violence, terror, fear and hatred, especially of gay people and Jews.
As for Israel - neither would the British Mandate. In fact, neither would anything. Violence is inherent in human behaviour, and it can be utilised for many things - sometimes positive, sometimes not.
And why are you bringing your Israel obsession into unrelated threads?
If the Arabs laid down their weapons in the Disputed Territories, there would be a two-state solution, a happy and prosperous Palestine.
If the Israelis laid down
their weapons, the Jews of the Middle East would be subject to a religious genocide.
Do you want to tell us how you "jokingly" support Hamas again? Your mask slipped big-time then.
* I believe this to be true of all organised religion. The difference with the mass religions like Christianity and Islam is that they have too many members to be dismissed as a cult. If Scientology had that many members, it wouldn't be called a cult by anyone.
Last edited by Tequila on 06 Jan 2013, 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.