I heard consciousness best defined as an event that's aware of itself. Its a strange thing to try and come to grips with. On one hand if we were the machine there's either no reason for us to have consciousness or no reason for everything not to be conscious. If we're the energy running around the board that still comes and goes, bleeds in and bleeds out, and no permanence comes from it. Now, if we're motion itself - that seems to get us closer.
The other thing, too many people have had gateway moments of their subconscious opening up wide and seeing that there's something much bigger down deep, something that's overpowering in its sheer complexity if they try to compare it to the sophistication of their own thoughts, and things get trippier still when that something starts tying together other people's thoughts and bridging outward - almost even behaving halfway like a near death experience at times.
You then have top medical professionals saying things like this:
Not only are the academic signs showing up in research by people like Pim Van Lomel, Mario Beauregard, Sam Parnia, Penny Sartori, Dr. Long, the group out in Virginia who wrote Irreducible Mind which was written at the medical academia level.
Then add even stranger things still - radioactive random number generators which are supposed to do a coin flip every 100,000th of a second, charted to a graph, to see what happens and low and behold - events like 9/11 severely skewed it.
Then add the most basic but most weird thing we've come across that science has forced to cope with - the double slit experiment and quantum eraser. Essentially we're forced to realize that consciousness itself selects what it sees, even to the point of shaping the world around us by our very perceptions (not hallucinating but really - shaping - on the quantum level).
Now, of all the absurd things, you have scientists increasingly making the argument that we live in a holographic universe - ie. there's nothing real to matter, its as much a fiat currency as the US dollar. Stranger still when you ask someone like Michio Kaku what the 'stuff' is, the best way he can explain it... our reality is made of 'music'....on 'strings' of all the crack-pipe things a world class physicists could say....
I've had personal experience add to these things as well, both sober and otherwise. So, I'll leave it there.