On the one hand, Charleton Heston did make a fairly good Moses, and Willem Dafoe was convincing as Jesus.
On the other hand, I just finished One Night with the King
based on the Book of Esther, which could be turned into a decent movie, but wasn't. The scenery and costumes were good. The actress who played Esther was quite pretty. But, the acting was terrible, the script was putrid, and there was hardly any life to the movie. Important details (from the Bible) were left out, Erroneous details worked in, and the character Xerxes was unconvincing.
I remember seeing the movie King David, with Richard Gere in the title role. What a hack job that was. One of the most colourful characters in the Bible, turned into a dullard.
Then, Mel Gibson's portrayal of Jesus--ends up being a movie about a rather dull guy who gets the snot beaten out of him.