Master_Pedant wrote:
GregCav wrote:
Pakistan is nowhere near Israel, what has the "pro-Israel" movement got to do with drone strikes in Pakistan?
Most "pro-Israel" militarists who Obama was trying to appease with the first statement would have no problem blowing up civilians who're declared "terrorists" without due process by drone operators thousands of miles away in a country the US is not at war with.
That's fine, I suggest you say "this person is a militarist". And like minds group together. So your probably right in that regard.
Master_Pedant wrote:
GregCav wrote:
And while I'm no fan of Obama, his quote seems correct to me.
Pakistan has never "liked" what the US had done insite its country, and has on occoasion resisted the US's war on terror.
The difficulty is, the Pakistan government is at war with those same Islamists as the US is targeting. So they grudgingly put up with a bit, but they don't like it.
I might also point out that the Islamists that the US are targeting, while technicly are Pakistani citezens; themselves attack the Pakistani government trying to destabalise it, and don't contribute to the Pakistani taxes or general well being.
Could you spell out more clearly exactly what the point of your statement is?
So, are you saying that everyone or most targeted by the US in the end is actually terrorists or just that the US has a blank cheque to target ideologues it dislikes? Because the drone strikes really do kill a massive amount of civilians (more civilians than terrorists).
I'm saying that the Pakistani people in the regioin being target are, citezens of Pakistan, they may or may not be terrorists themselves, they may be classed as terrorists because they live in a town or stronghold (it's a classification thing not a reality), and that "some" of the groups activly attack the Pakistan government trying to destabalise it.
The US doesn't have a blank cheque, nor did I suggest such a thing. I'm saying the Pakistan government doesn't like what the US is doing, but without the US doing it, the Pakistani government will be fighting these rebals themselves.
I have no doubt many civilians get killed. There is also, nobody able to bring justice to this situation. So the situation continues. Until Pakistan tell the US to get out, the situation will continue.
In this case, "Might makes Right" + "Pakistan government caught between fighting the rebels themselves, or letting the US fight the rebals" = uncontrolled messy situation.