Europe is tradiotionally considered a more lefty/socialist area in comparison with US. This is a kind of commonly accepted cliche.
But reading some comments here I'm not that sure. Right now, for example, in this thread:, I have seen this message:
BuyerBeware wrote:
Have you been watching the news, honey??
I only skimmed your post, but you sound pretty mildly affected. There really isn't much help out there for you. A self-diagnosis will give you as much validation as a professional one.
ESPECIALLY as a mother, before you go and get yourself a diagnosis, PLEASE read some of the horror stories here. Consider the effect of stigma and marginalization on your family. Consider the possibility of not being able to find/hold work if they succeed in rolling your HIPPA rights back. Consider not being able to advocate for your children because no one will take you seriously because you are "ret*d" too.
Please, for your kids' sake, be very very careful.
Having such a fear of being categorized sounds strange to me. In my country, a European one, that would be considered absolutely insane. Gouvernement is supposed to provide some services that could be considered 'lefties' as universal sanity or education or similars (though the crisis is changing that). But as long as you pay your taxes and you don't break any law (like robbing a shop or driving without license) nobody really cares about you. The gouvernement provides those services. If you want them, that's OK, if you don't, well, too bad for you because you must pay your taxes anyway.
That's weird, but from a European point of view, some US comments here sound like Orwell's 1984.
1 part of Asperger | 1 part of OCD | 2 parts of ADHD / APD / GT-LD / 2e
And finally, another part of secret spices :^)