I've been reading a lot on Cuba, recently. One thing I keep hearing, from just about everyone but Miami Cubans, is that it really isn't that bad. We have a bad habit of assuming that our own standard of living is normal, so *gasp* they're so deprived that they don't have malls and mochas and three cars */gasp*. However, compared with the rest of Latin America, Cuba has been damned impressive for a good while now.
In less than 50 years, they've turned a colonial sugar monoculture into relatively diverse agriculture, have a modest but steady economy, 100% literacy, and strong public health care. Since the whole missile crisis deal, they've kept to themselves, avoiding US & Soviet style adventurism, and focused largely on developing Cuba. Over the last half century, they've continually been on of the strongest nations in Latin America, even post-Soviet. Imagine what they could be if they weren't under constant attack (Although mostly rhetoric, these days) and embargo.
Of course, there's the whole "lack of free speech". It sucks. No way to sugar coat it. However, I will point out that thanks to PCism, we don't have very strong free speech anymore. Even political speech. In my town, "I support Romney" is enough to earn a beating.
A large part of our discourse regarding Cuba has been strongly influenced by two factors: Anti-socialism and Miami Cubans. However, Anti-socialism is pointless idealism when it works, and those Miami Cubans are often from families who did well under Batista, so they might be a little biased. Thing is, how are we the good guys in this situation? We don't like Cuba because the corporations could make a buttload of money there (and once did), and they don't much care for multinationals there. We hate Castro for "oppressing" his people, when he has been much less oppressive than many of the folks we've propped up (Pinochet, Trujillo, Mubarak, Hussein), all the while playing Roadrunner to the CIA's Wile E. Coyote. We hate him for his modest success, and his proximity to Florida. How are we the good guys here?
This is the problem. I could be wrong. I could be right. I am almost certain to be buying into someone's propaganda. If this was any country in the world, what would I do? I'd book a flight and see for myself. Yet, we, America the Free, alone out of all nations, are forbidden, not by Castro, but by our own government from going to see for ourselves. Even with the relaxed restrictions recently and the existence of tour vacations, an agency must be authorized by the department of the treasury, and you're kept too busy to see anything off the beaten path.
So what is it that the government doesn't want us to see? Could it be that Cuba is not a boot stomping repeatedly on the head of the Cuban? Could it be that these people do not live like those in South Sudan? Could it be that these people actually live more like foreign tourists I have spoken to claim and less like our media?
I don't know what to think about all this. I've heard that you can book a flight from Canada to Havana, American or no. I may have to go see for myself.