Integrity, is it an illusion?
I'm honestly not posting this to come off as if I were trolling, but in all honesty, one thing that almost every woman I've spoke with has admired with me is my integrity.... Yet, it seems odd that so many people lack integrity. Especially amoung artist, musicians are selling out right and left whenever they make a cult following in the underground and the man offers them a large enough contract..... Having integrity to me means being selfless and standing up for what's right.... I can't begin to tell you how often I've been the one to take the stand against evil... Like when a man is beating a woman and nobody but me seems to wanna step in and do the right thing.
Often many people will talk smack about someone when theyr not around but then act all buddy buddy to their face.... But I always speak my mind, if I have an issue with someone I'll tell them to their face. Hell you've all probably noticed this about me by now. Like here is another example that's happened recently,
For alittle over a year now my next door neighbor has been negligent about his dogs getting out and running all over the neighborhood. Well, theyr his girlfriend's dogs and she apparently has him whipped. Those dogs are two large 90 lb german shephards who are mean and viscious. I've almost gotten attacked the first time and I confronted them about it, they made excuses and lied out their ass. Last Sunday night, the dog jumped over the gate AGAIN and almost attacked me, I narrowly got away. Yet AGAIN, they continue to make excuses to skirt the issue. They threaten that if I call animal control they'll try to pull something to have my dog taken away, because "my dog gets out too", but the difference is 1. my dog isn't viscious, and 2. My dog doesn't get to go out whenever he takes a whim, I don't let him run out... They on the other hand will leave the gate wide open when nobody is home. Now I can't hardly go to my mailbox without having to worry about getting mauled by her damn german shephard. They jump the gate whenever they want to, hell I almost couldn't get to work the other day because her damn dog was waiting on me to leave the house..... I'm considering buying a gun off the street for self defense.
People are no different the most powerful/successful corporations. They lie, manipulating the truth, bending the truth, exaggerating the truth, hide the truth. The only time they tell the truth is when it benefits them.
Woman are attracted to the jerk because just like many successful corporations, use dishonest to acquire material gain.
Even powerful governments are at it, look at the Republican, do you think that they could get where they was by telling the truth.
Snake, totally agree with you. Unlike my debater in the other posts, I stand for truth, as well.
Aspie_Chav, totally agree with you, as well.
Those who truely stand for truth are often standing alone. The fight for 'good' truely is one that actors state as "not as fun as playing the 'bad' guy." Of course not, it takes discipline and mindfulness and independence to stand up for what is truely right.
This is how people who stand up for what is 'right' can be portrayed:
This world is corrupted with greed by the ol'mighty dollar
Integrity comes from the word integer and it's the quality of being complete or undivided. Wholeness is similar to integrity in that it's also complete. The words holiness, wholeness, and truth are actually synonymous. What causes integrity to disintegrate are devations from truth. Integrity can only be maintained when there is absolute loyalty to sacred truth.
If everyone makes up their own mind to decide what is truth, then truth becomes relative. When that happens, it's only natural for integrity to become an illusion rather than a reality. An illusion is: an erroneous mental representation; the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas.
So, is integrity an illusion? It is when truth is compromised. Can integrity ever really exist? Yes, when truth is worshipped above all else. Worship is to surrender yourself to serve the object which is revered. If self is revered, then self is worshipped and permitted to delude not only self, but also others along with it.
"Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" declares the LORD. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word." – Isaiah 66:2