Ranting-pro bush/Christian
Okay aspies, ready for a shock?
First off, I do have to say I'm very conservative in my views, but in a whole different way. I follow the bible, not the political parties.
Secondly, let's look at a few issues bush has done right,
He did react and respond to terrorists, Billy bob clinton was too busy messing with the younger girls in the oval office to respond when there was an explosion below the world trade centers in 1994, he responded with some carpet bombing, whoop-de-damn-do.
He took the gamble of believing what was reported to him, and attacked Iraq. Either way he should have done it because suddam hussein was working very similar to hitler. WWII we should have gotten involved in FAR before it got to the point it did, be glad history didn't repeat itself.
Kerry was all for going in and messing with North Vietnam. Hey, I like nuclear power too, just not in an unrestrained manner across a good chunk of the U.S, I would personally like to keep it in nuclear power plants.
Bush is not afraid to do what must be done, most politicians are content with sitting on their butts and doing nothing as not to offend people. Bush is a man that said, on national television, "Let's kick their asses".
Kerry was a complete idiot, he would flipflop around like a dying fish. He bragged about his purple hearts until he was shown up as a disobediant hardheaded insubordinating reject, then he dropped it and was completely silent. Until he found out that Bush was ahead in some places because of his religion, he kept COMPLETELY silent about being catholic.
Now, on recent cases, Terry Schiavo was euthanized for being unable to defend herself. While she MAY have been a complete vegetable, she could also be considered a person with disabilities. Let's take a look at this, shall we?
Now, her only crime was to be unable to defend herself. Bush intervened to try to save her life, and many others tried. In the end, she was killed in a torturous manner for one thing;
Well, raving democrats, those that only see in black and white, as many aspies (Including myself) tend to do, I will present the other side.
Many democrats see what happened to Mrs.Schiavo as appalling and grotesque, yet it happens every day. It's called the futile care policy and it's a great danger for people with disabilities, aspies, and full autistics.
As humans we are gifted with foresight, in the past (gay rights is a shining example of one of these movements) many movements get way out of hand and end up hurting everyone but the people involved in them. This euthanasia movement is a grevious assault on our rights as human beings, and should be stopped, but don't look to the liberals or democrats to do it.
The abortion movement, another group of lazy egotistical individuals looking for the easiest way out regardless of what it costs others, is paired with the euthanasia movement. How?
Some of the people in it, a good number actually, are all for the euthanasia of people with disabilities before they get out of the womb. This is why I'm not a democrat.
I'm just going to close up with a few more greviances, as I'm really just typing this up from the seat of my pants.
The democrat party is persecuting Christians while allowing any other religion to run rampant, this can be found in the gay rights parades. A group of Christians had picket signs, and a bullhorn. The signs read things along the lines of "God can save you!" "Christ can make you whole!" and other things that were harmless. They were singing songs over the bullhorn such as "Amazing grace" and "Our God is an awesome God".
They were surrounded by a group called "The Pink Angels" and harrassed until they were arrested for inciting hate.
Two years later, a different group came out with bull horns, hate signs, and were harrassing every single person they came in contact with. They claimed to be Christian. Nothing was done to them, they were ignored.
Democrats are hypocrites, as are republicans. Both political parties have horrid policies.
I personally think that we should NOT have to accept something we disagree with, such as gay rights. I hold human life as sacred, euthanasia and abortion are WRONG. If you can't birth the child, don't sleep with each other.
Nnnnnggggggg!! !! !! ! Overload....... Too much lunacy..... and bigotry........... and dogmatism...... to attack and destroy..... all in one go...... She's breaking up..... Can't...... hold her....... Tell my wife I love Arrrrggghhhhhh!! !! ! *crash*
"Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!"
Well, I think we shouldn't have to accept people who want to run other people's lives and make personal decisions *for* them! I hold all life as sacred, and I don't think any life, including that of an animal or a plant, should be taken without good cause and without respect for that life. MOst Christians that I talk to tend to have a very human-centric views of things, though. "Go ahead, kill it off, God gave us dominion over the earth!! !" And anyway, soon earth will be gone and we'll have a new one to rape, only there'll only be Christians there so it'll be a lot better!
That isn't going to happen. But it does sound like a very good reason for someone to engage in gay sex. I don't think my body can handle another pregnancy. I had serious heart problems with the last one, my midwife thought I'd go into heart failure when I was in labor. I was bedridden a lot of the time due to bad hips. I am young (32), do you seriously expect me to be celibate for the rest of my life just so some bible thumper can feel a little more self righteous and satisfied? Sorry, I'll stick with my birth control...
I think this is probably the most narrowminded, intolerant statement in your entire post.
Hmmm, let's see.
First off, marriage is a biblical institution. It is also a commitment to one another, therefore the gay rights movement has a few options to consider.
Do they want to marry each other for the tax breaks? This shows how shallow the movement really is, if money can make or break a relationship then the relationship shouldn't exist in the first place. Also, they are not reproducing and contributing to the next generation therefore they can deal without the tax breaks.
Do they want to marry each other so it's in writing? Marriage is a commitment to one another. If a certificate is what makes a marriage a marriage to them, then once more they are shallow.
Marriage is a commitment made to one another, and it shouldn't bother them. It doesn't mean I have to accept a lifestyle contrary to my religion. It should mean that it isn't forced upon me.
Pardon me for being blunt, this is going to hit home. Let's say that I wanted to put pictures of naked girls on my car, and walk around in pornographic T-shirts advertising drinking and marijuana. As long as I don't show the actual organs, put 'em in thongs and thin bikinis, I can. It doesn't mean everyone is going to welcome me with open arms because THEY think it's disgusting, but what if I don't have a problem with it?
Because they wrinkle their nose in disgust to I parade down the street with signs of the pornographic pictures and pass out cigarettes to everyone? No, that's just fanning the flame and trying to peeve people off.
As a fundamentalist Christian I find myself being told to tolerate things contrary to my religion. Yet my religion is constantly defaced in the name of freedom of speech.
Personally, I believe atheism is a religion and I think that the U.S. should have to teach every subject relating to history, biology, ethics, literature, basically anything other then math in different classes based upon religious worldviews, and if the person doesn't have a class available where he lives then offer online courses.
I shudder to think that when I get a job my money is going to pay for a public school system that put me through pure hell, AND goes against my religion.
Please, before you call me a bigot, ask why I'm saying what I am, I just may have something for you.
Here are a few links to places that share similar views to what I do, that are relevent to this topic:
http://www.summit.org/resource/essay/su ... =Education
http://www.summit.org/resource/essay/su ... osexuality
That site is fairly useful in that it isn't written to speak to people that don't share it's views but to people who want to spread the views.
Quite frankly, if you are an atheist and you do not believe what you practice is a religion, I'd love to debate you on it.
Previous post was made before I saw chamoisee's post.
That's right, God *DID* give us dominion over the earth. We are the kings of the planet. But guess what! It doesn't mean we should destroy it, it *IS* his creation and it would be spitting in his face if we didn't always find a better way to cause less harm to it. People with that attitude are marching under the banner of Christianity, but are not really Christian. I suggest not listening to their bullcrap, as it is only half based upon God's word.
Hey, I take offense to that. I never said anything against birth control, that was mainly directed towards teenage sex. Also, there are surgical ways to remove the baby for birth. Also, be careful with the name calling, it's against the rules here.
Because I refuse to allow pagan influences to change my beliefs? I'm mandated to teach, not to harm. So are other Christians but as humans they don't always listen. If you'd like to keep insulting people I suggest you go to the KKK of 'christianity' (In quotes because they're not acting as Christians) at www.jesus-is-lord.com and mess with them. They may have the right information but they're missing the whole picture.
Then why does every religion and culture have marriage. (This includes religions and cultures that do not use the Bible.)
Because they wrinkle their nose in disgust to I parade down the street with signs of the pornographic pictures and pass out cigarettes to everyone? No, that's just fanning the flame and trying to peeve people off.
There is a difference between not liking something and not accepting it. First of all, the things you listed above don't really offend me, but let's just say they do. I can look at them and think they are disgusting. But I, being an intelligent human-being, accept that it is your right to do what you like. It is legal to publicly display pictures of of women in g-strings and thin bikinis. It is legal to pass out cigarettes (as long as you don't pass them out to minors). If you don't like gay people (which I think you have the right to do) DON'T LOOK!! !
I fully agree with you. But think about it for a moment. What you just said was very hypocritical. You don't like when something contrary to what you believe is forced upon you, so then why do you force your beliefs on other people?
These definitions are from http://dictionary.reference.com/:
Atheism: Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.
Religion: Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
If the definitions are opposite, how can atheism be a religion?
Considering the age of the old testament it is likely that many religions emulated it. Islam surely did.
Hinduism, in this case, doesn't count due to the polygamy, I believe it's called, as I don't think that's legal in the U.S.
I disagree with their choice of lifestyle, I don't dislike the person themself I dislike the choice they are making and REFUSE to allow them around myself.
By the way, on the Christian view of things it is expressing my freedom of speech to show public distaste of homosexuality and other things that contradict my religion. On the don't look thing, I can be channel surfing and find advertisements for various programs, queer eye for the straight guy, up until awhile ago, was rampant. Because of the CHOICE involved in homosexuality I believe that not only should it not be considered an 'ethnic group' but they should deal with the 'prejudice' or dislike towards their choices.
It's perfectly fine for a person to pick a same sex partner with me, as long as they don't walk around waving signs yelling "Look at me!" You'll find that many people do that.
Let's see. Homosexuality is a choice, there is genetical evidence (not proof) that the INCLINATION to be homosexual is heraditory. People can still choose differently. Also, I can bet money that a high percentage of other countries around the world will agree that this is just another example of what people with too little self control do to one another.
For those that are homosexual, there is a biblical chapter you may find interesting. Romans chapter fourteen. http://bible.gospelcom.net
Atheism: Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods
Okay, that's true.
If the definitions are opposite, how can atheism be a religion?
I'm so glad you asked. >=) According to summit.org,
I suggest this: http://www.summit.org/resource/essay/sh ... 0b8e446add
I believe you'll find them informative if you read them all.
Also, observe this chart:
So you stated that you don't allow homosexuals around you. Have you ever talked to one personally? I have many gay friends. It is NOT a choice. A person is born gay. People can choose not to have sex with those of the same gender and they can choose to marry someone of the opposite gender. They will always be emotionally, physically, and romantically attracted to people of the same gender. They will always be gay.
To put this in terms you understand. I have AS. I was born with AS. I can choose to 'show' empathy and socialise. However it will never be natural for me to do so. I will always be autistic. My autism is not a choice...is yours?
Why am even bothering to argue this...
No, you *believe* and have *faith* that he gave you dominion over the earth. But even on these shaky terms, such a belief is rather scary. This is where the notion of Manifest Destiny came from.
I also contend that the mentality of "this world is just a pale shadow compared to what we're going to get!!" leads to a disrespect of it. After all, if it's only temporary, going to be burned up really soon and replaced by something a LOT better, why conserve it? Why should it matter? And this is born out by the fact that the majority of Christians are not environmentalists. They don't really care because they don't need to, in their mind.
(I had previouslywritten)
That isn't going to happen. But it does sound like a very good reason for someone to engage in gay sex. I don't think my body can handle another pregnancy. I had serious heart problems with the last one, my midwife thought I'd go into heart failure when I was in labor. I was bedridden a lot of the time due to bad hips. I am young (32), do you seriously expect me to be celibate for the rest of my life just so some bible thumper can feel a little more self righteous and satisfied? Sorry, I'll stick with my birth control...
You didn't say anything about teenagers. You said:"If you can't birth the child, don't sleep with each other."
I can't birth another baby without risking my life. I had serious heart problems for much of the pregnancy, as well as after it. Not only can I not risk another birth, I cannot risk another pregnancy. So removing the baby anywhere near term isn't really an option.
I say this because I have had an abortion. I loved that child, and I mourn it. I wanted it. But I could not risk my life when I have five other children to provide for. I resent the fact that someone else would want to stick their nose in my very personal business without knowing all the factors involved and just make snap judgements based on what their beliefs are. Do I try to run their life and their personal business according to my beliefs? I do not. Woudl I like to? Sometimes, yes. Then I call my attention to the fact that I have my own business to look after.
It really irritates me that people like you actually believe that women who have abortions just do it without any thought, casually, or that we are lazy. Women agonize over this. It is not easy for them, even if they are definitely going to die. I don't think it could be said that any woman in her right mind has enjoyed getting an abortion.
No, because yor beliefs make it almost mandatory to stomp all over everyone else's and you don't mind doing so. I disagree with much of what other people think. I'm mature enough to agree to disagree. I don't feel morally insulted and outraged if someone believes differently than I do. I don't mind Christians who are respectful, who will say what they believe and then go about their own quiet life and let you draw your own conclusions. The in-your-face brand who want to argue me to death if I'm not just like them seem... well, harassing, obnoxious. How else could I see it?
Besides, don't you think it's more than a little arrogant to state that your way is the only way to live?
To put this in terms you understand. I have AS. I was born with AS. I can choose to 'show' empathy and socialise. However it will never be natural for me to do so. I will always be autistic. My autism is not a choice...is yours?
Looks like this thread is going to be more heated than the others, oh well.
Anyway, I resent being compared to the homosexuals and I strongly doubt I'm the only one. The simplest way to state it is this:
Homosexuality is a sin. All born of Adam's lineage are born under the curse of a sinful nature. Not all people are tempted by the same sins.
Therefore, yes, some people are predisposed to be tempted by the sin of homosexuality, but like all sins, there is a decision whether or not to commit it.
Or another way to put it is that God destroyed Sodom and Gamorrah for their sexual perversion, mostly being homosexuality. Yet God never destroyed a leper colony because those people acually didn't have a choice to be lepers or not. Last of all, the reason homosexuality is forbidden and was punishable by death is because it often leads to greater perversions that have a detremenal effect on society as explained in Romans chapter 1.
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I do not understand why you have quoted Bec's comment Sean, as you have not addressed it, merely provided a biblical justification for homophobia based on the concept of 'sin'. How does that relate to what Bec said? I would also be interested to hear why homosexuality leads to greater 'perversions', on what grounds/actual evidence you make that assertion, and why that statement is not offensive.
I'm usually smarter than this.
www.last.fm/user/nursethescreams <<my last.fm thingy
Article for you to read, http://www.livingwaters.com/witnessingt ... ning.shtml
Excuse me? Do you know what dominion in this usage meant? We are the STEWARDS of this earth, it's CARETAKERS. And yes, I believe and have faith that we are the most powerful and destructive of God's creation. That's why we have to keep ourselves in check. You should read this article,
http://www.summit.org/resource/essay/sh ... ssay_id=63
Please read the article before speaking of this again, you'll learn why I'm offended by what you just said.
I find that a very hypocritical statement, it is wrong to chop down forests and not replant them, to destroy this earth, but it's right to kill an unborn child? I really don't think it's YOUR business when a baby's life is at stake.
I understand that the thought goes into it, though it takes two to make a baby and it always has. I understand the time that you spend in counseling, but it STILL isn't right. If you had heart problems during pregnancy the bodily stress from even having sex could be dangerous to you. I'm not your doctor, but I'd rather not kill a baby and not have sex at all then have the blood of an unborn baby on my hands.
Also, there are MANY times that a woman has an abortion even though the father wants the child, until that behavior is stopped I will be 120% against abortions, once it is, if it is, I'll still be 100%
Stomp all over yours? I, personally, wouldn't change unless I had a good reason to. The only way I can show other people a good reason to change religions is by showing them the fallability of theirs.
There's a major difference between harassing someone and trying to teach, when someone does that just walk away. They are not acting biblically.
I find that the seed I sow becomes increasingly rewarding the more I try to work for God. I'd rather live this life then any other.
Buddy boy, I'm in the furry community. Enough stated. And no, you are not born gay, that is simply an excuse. Read: http://www.livingwaters.com/witnessingt ... ault.shtml
http://www.livingwaters.com/witnessingt ... xual.shtml
Why am even bothering to argue this...
To respond, the brain works in a way that new grooves can be cut. While you will never be 'normal' this is a good thing as AS offers many boons to it's small shortcomings.
My autism isn't a choice, but I choose to work to correct it and I have been quite successful in changing a good many things.
You're bothering to debate this (Not an arguement, I don't think) because it's something you believe.
I don't believe that we are to kill them, I remember reading somewhere about God choosing the hour for death, I *REALLY* don't want to interfere with his plans.
Homosexuality is a sin. All born of Adam's lineage are born under the curse of a sinful nature. Not all people are tempted by the same sins.
Therefore, yes, some people are predisposed to be tempted by the sin of homosexuality, but like all sins, there is a decision whether or not to commit it.
I agree with the bolded text
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The "circular reasoning" argument is absurd. That’s like saying you can’t prove that the President lives in the White House by looking into the White House. It is looking into the White House that will provide the necessary proof. The fulfilled prophecies, the amazing consistency, and the many scientific statements of the Bible prove it to be the Word of God. They provide evidence that it is supernatural in origin. See also Psalm 119:105 footnote.
Sorry, I'm not buying that. You believe the Bible to be infallible, I believe it to be written by men. Neither of us will budge an inch on that one so I won't get into it. I would however like the poster to whom I addressed my comment to clarify his remarks, as the implication is rather offensive.
No, because yor beliefs make it almost mandatory to stomp all over everyone else's and you don't mind doing so. I disagree with much of what other people think. I'm mature enough to agree to disagree. I don't feel morally insulted and outraged if someone believes differently than I do. I don't mind Christians who are respectful, who will say what they believe and then go about their own quiet life and let you draw your own conclusions. The in-your-face brand who want to argue me to death if I'm not just like them seem... well, harassing, obnoxious. How else could I see
Stomp all over yours? I, personally, wouldn't change unless I had a good reason to. The only way I can show other people a good reason to change religions is by showing them the fallability of theirs.
There's a major difference between harassing someone and trying to teach, when someone does that just walk away. They are not acting biblically.
Besides, don't you think it's more than a little arrogant to state that your way is the only way to live?
I find that the seed I sow becomes increasingly rewarding the more I try to work for God. I'd rather live this life then any other.
I must agree with chamoisee here. People should have the right to practice their own beliefs without someone who believes that their way is the only one which is 'right' and everyone else is wrong attempting to convince you to join their faith.
I'm usually smarter than this.
www.last.fm/user/nursethescreams <<my last.fm thingy
Prove it, or don't speak it. There are no errors within the bible.
Okay then, let's take a look from a Christian perspective.
Anyone unsaved and unrepentent goes to hell for eternal agony.
You have a chance to save them from it
Do you let them make their own choice out of misinformation or do you try your best to save them from eternal damnation?
To me, the stakes are much higher then winning a debate. If you're taking offense at me stating that Christianity is the only way to live, in my signature, then please feel free to read this important document
Also, on the bible being infallible, I REALLY want to see where you're getting that. There are practices in the bible that seemed nonsensical at the time but today we do them every day due to what science has discovered. If you'd like a list, feel free to ask.
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