ruveyn wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
My conclusion of nationalism is that it stems from a primordial and subconcious desire to belong to a group and the fear of rejection. These tend to be neurotypical traits.
Why do some autistics fall into this line of thinking? Is it learned behaviour?
Yes. It is clearly not instinctive or inherent so it must be learned behavior.
I absolutely agree...
Studies on infant cognitive development confirms reasoning facilities/faculties are not present in young infants...
...a fact that has been known for millennia.
The Jesuit priests had a motto:
Give me the boy/child until aged 7 and I will show you the man...
In essence, children are brainwashed/conditioned before they have the ability of critical thinking.
This social indoctrination process can be socially positive or negative...
You can condition a child to be a pillar of society...
...or an anarchist...
And then there is the consideration of individuals being socially "poisoned" through the adoption of incompatible social protocols/belief-systems which are in variance to their inherent nature...
...creating what is known as "cognitive dissonance"...
For me personally, I don't have a great affinity with nationalism.
Nazism was simply an extreme form of nationalism, for example...
"Nazism, or National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus, the first part pronounced as "Nazi"), is a variety of fascism"
<end quote>
Also consider the evolutionary process:
Tribalism (or nationalism) provided protection and "survivability" in early human development...
It protected the limited resources available at the time, and those tribes who lacked an inherent social cohesion and tribal aggression would have been less successful in terms of procreation and the passing down of survivalist traits to their offspring...
Many, if not most, animal species protect their territory, so it must be surmised that this tendency/trait has a significant advantage in the evolutionary process in certain instances, or it wouldn't be in existence...
Regardless, to me personally, nationalism very definitely seems to be a foreign cultural influence/meme in regards to the inherent nature of those on the autistic spectrum...