I wonder, I'm Pole, when my country was in a deep recession in the 80's, when communism in Poland was dying, and stores a state of permanent shortage of everything. My people even publicly sang the national anthem with the revised lyrics of the first stanza
instead of:
Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła,
Kiedy my żyjemy,
Co nam obca przemoc wzięła,
Szablą odbierzemy
Poland has not perished,,
When we live in,
What alien force has taken,
We take back with Saber in hand
was sung
Poland has not perished,
while the chicken in the pot.
As the chicken ware coocked, eat it piece by piece.
I wonder if the Americans, British, or French, sometimes parodied sing anthem of their country, or is it prohibited?
In my humble opinion, the Americans, the British and the French have a very beautiful anthems except the Polish national anthem, as the Polish national anthem, is the most beautiful in the world, but this is subjective view