Master_Pedant wrote:
Heard of summarizing?
I don't know, but i find interesting to post here, talk about the biological differences bettween the two political groups in USA. The titles of links can help to you find what the matter more interest you.
Summarizing, to choice our political ideology, isn't only by ''environment influences'' or simply because of our desires, but also because many biological traits like brain lateralization. Is not to joke that the modern westerners are divided between ''left and right''.
Liberals exhibit more trends to be
less competitives,
less sexual disformism (this explain the fight to left-socialist parties around the world to normalize the sexual out lier prefferences)
more ansiety and depression, more ''mental disorders'' (i like call them of ''excentric personality'', specially to moderate levels and ''debilitating personality'' to extreme levels),
more empathetic and more introverted ( remember,empathetic is different to simpathy),
better in multi task,
more desire to make novel behaviors,
more right brain and non-right handedness (i have the impression that left handed people tend to find in a two extremes of political/ideological beliefs),
more creative
and conservatives TEND to be choice red color while liberals tend to be choice green and blue color by neurological reasons.