AutisticMillionaire wrote:
Not to be over critical but.......awful acting, with the occupiers all having British accents! Come on, this was more amateurish than a 1970s BBC production. At first it looked like it was going to be zombie firm...turns out to be just an exercise in antisemitism.
It's antisemitic because it presents all Israeli soldiers as cruel and heartless villains to the white-anglo British viewer. It plays on race to promote a bias demonizing another race . It teeters on the edge of being vile and borders on hate speech.
No, its true to the fact because it portrays actual events that have happened, and are still going on between the Israel-Palestine border. To shrug it off as hate speech is willful ignorance and complicity to brutality.
Its not anti semitic because
a) its based on actual events
b) many Jews are equally appalled by this behaviour exhibited by IDF soldiers.
c) Israel doesn't represent all Jews.
Even the forums most vocal Israel supporters aren't backing these ignorant and foolish assertions.
AutisticMillionaire wrote:
It's taking a situation outside of context,
Again no its not. Its extrapolating whats going on in Palestine and bringing it to the UK to enable British viewers to understand whats going on over there,
AutisticMillionaire wrote:
and using long established bigotry to push a political issue against the Jews.
No, because as I have already said, there are also Jews who oppose how the IDF treat Palestinians trying to cross the border,
AutisticMillionaire wrote:
It's a totally unrealistic portrayal of how Israeli soldiers act,
and you know this because....?
AutisticMillionaire wrote:
cites no evidence they behave this way and does nothing but promote hate.
Here you go, chump
Watch how 2 big brave IDF troops harass an old man, and afterwards refer to the population of Ramallah as 'animals'.
AutisticMillionaire wrote:
(Oh they won't let us "Brits go to the British hospital"...uggh..get some wine with this cheese.) I'm sure the producers intended to exploit British antisemitism by making this film as they did. Don't think for a second they did not realize what they were doing.
Two thumbs down on this film.
Its got nothing to do with anti-semitism, British are otherwise. I don't know what the situation is in the US but a greater proportion of Europeans are awake to Israeli brutality. Thats got nothing to do with the Jewish identity or character. The creation of Israel was cheerled by anti-semites as a way to get Jews out of their country.
Last edited by thomas81 on 30 Oct 2013, 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.