thomas81 wrote:
Dox47 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
[I would put down the list of suspects as
1- Mossad
2- CIA
3- MI5
in order of likliehood.
Of course you would.
It occurs that polonium is usually used when a country
wants it to be known that they were behind a killing without officially acknowledging it, yet there is no real reason for Israel to want to be implicated in killing Arafat; on the other hand, there are
plenty of people who'd like to implicate Israel in such a killing, and a large audience ready to believe it.
and, for the nth time, would also require them to have access to said substance in first place. Maybe Israel's gambit is that with this sort of speculation people wouldn't call its bluff.
Now, what on Earth would Iran or Russia stand to gain?
For the record i doubt that Iran has access to Polonium let alone be inclined to use it in assassination missions. Its nuclear proliferation attempts thus far have been under intense scrutiny.
You could probably get Polonium on E-bay.
A Palestinian investigator even said "this was done with polonium by Palestinian hands- who shall punished to the full extent of the law when they are caught".
(Thats among a billion other theories on his death-ranging from murdered by either arabs or by isrealis using thalium ( instead of polonium), intentional, or unintensional food poisoning,to AIDs to alchoholism to just being an overwieght overworked 75 year old guy with lousy doctors. Take your pick). Im not saying he was killed, nor whodunit if he was. But I dont see why you assume that it was Israel.
The question YOU have to answer Thomas81 is what would Israel have to gain?
Russia has less to loose than Israel, and Iran had obvious things to gain by offing Arafat. But Israel had absolutely nothing to gain by offing the aging isolated has-been leader who was more liked by Isrealies than by Palestinians by that time.
Besides I never said "Russia killed him"- I implied that the Hamas borrowed the car keys from Putin to do use the car for their own purposes. But Iran might well to have actively sought to back certain factions in Palestine by eliminating Arafat (just like they are backing factions in the Syrian war as we speak). Those factions being the more militant and more islamist and less compromising factions.
I mean seriously- you know damn well that Iran had more to gain from his death than did Israel. Not saying either country did it- but Iran had more to gain and less to loose than did Israel.
But lets say that 'access to polonium' is something unique.
Again- Israel fought Arafat since 1968- why would they wait until 2004 when the guy was niether particularly powerful nor particulary hostile to Isreali interests to off him?