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18 Dec 2013, 4:06 pm

This is a hot topic with me. This is NOT about shootings or anything, just terrorist bombings.

I think that the Boston Marathon bombings and 9/11 happened due to the U.S.'s high profile way of being the world police. Muslim extremists, in both cases took drastic and decided to destroy both the World Trade Center and a world-renowned race.

I donno why......... that's all I got to say.


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18 Dec 2013, 4:09 pm

I agree that we've had "world police" thrusted upon us. If something goes wrong in the world, it kind of feels like everyone looks at the US to do something.

I wouldn't use the term Muslim extremists, however, because it's too generalized.

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18 Dec 2013, 10:59 pm

The OKC bombing was a domestic attack, in case anyone has forgotten in the past 18 years......


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28 Jan 2014, 10:45 pm

Nobody replied to me as to why they happen........


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29 Jan 2014, 2:36 am

I don't know about Oklahoma City, but I know how the idea if 9/11 came about.

Basically in the 1980s there was a soviet attempted invasion of Afganistan, it went on for pretty much the whole decade and during this the CIA and such would fund people like Osama Bin Laden to fight against the soviets, after the soviets went away its as if the US just forgot about all the people fighting the soviets and did next to nothing to help pre-war there.

After witnessing the Iraq war of the early 90s and such Bin Laden and a buch of people got together to try and make the US pay for what they witnessed happening, children gotten beating buildings falling, over there 9/11 happened every day.

You may not know this but in 1993 a terriost attack took place on the Twin Towers, this time in the basement, someone connected to Bin Laden and such drove a van loaded with explosives into the basement of one of the towers, the bomb gone off but luckily the plan to have one tower crashing into the other never happened, less than a dozen people died.

Then 9/11 happened, they planned it not to soon after the 1993 bombing on the twin towers.

Very sad obviously many people didnt need to lose lives in that building and unfortunately Muslims are now shunned against by some ignorant people because of this attack.


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29 Jan 2014, 7:27 am

I think the 'world police' idea is just one aspect of how US involvement, often military in foreign countries is percieved. One thing that I have read made Bin Laden especially angry at the US, was how after the 1st Gulf War in 1991, the US kept the base they had opened in Saudi (and perhaps others in the area). Bin Laden was a Saudi, I believe related to royals.

Something to remember is the idea/saying, that 'war is politics by other means'. In other words it is often, maybe usually, an extreme version of political action.

Terrorism is not really a thing of itself, like a faction or group of people. Terror is a tactic, that has been used in war at least since the beginning of recorded history (ie. Like by the ancient Assyrians). The idea is to frighten and unnerve the opponent and sap their will to fight or oppose. It is very cost effective in modern terms, as it requires only limited resources and not large military forces with expensive equipment. This is why it survives, if not continues to thrive in modern times. Even a very small political faction with limited resources can get big results using terror tactics.


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29 Jan 2014, 7:58 am

While I think the US tendence to think of themselves as a world police, is a part in it, I think its rahter a small part an huge amount of other small parts.

As far as information were shared the Bostoner assassin emigrated with his family from chechnya. Its an russian province that wanted to separate from russia, when the UDSSR went down, but unlike other countries (ucraine, ...) did not manage to do it due to russian force. In general, their wish for separatism was ignored by most political parties of the world. Chechnya was before a moderate islam country, so when global islam fundamentalist groups searched for playgrounds for them recruiting and spreading their s**t, Chechnya was easy for them to approach. So while most of the world ignored the Chechnyas wish for freedom and their own country, muslim fundamentalist could come and play the hero of the days, the only ones caring for the pity of chechnyas citizens, ... Which caused in the end to them having positive publicity and propaganda around that area, and so the average chechnyan moderate islam believe got influenced into an more radical one, as it pleased that group of fanatics. (As example, before russian/chechnyan war started, hardly any woman wear headscarf or similar stuff.)

So you had that boy emigrating from chechnya to the USA, with the knowledge that his homecountry, where family and friends are still living, is surpressed and in an war with an superpower country, with the only global group interested to help his people: Some muslim fanatic groups. Then you dont manage to get in contact with your new countries people, so you live there, but you dont fit in 100%, you feel alone and whatever. Which makes you an easy victim for the recruiting of those extremist sects, that are seeking on purpose such typical young lonely unhappy man, and try to adress them. And because of those global extremist group not only being in war with russia, but as well in other countries with the USA, they did not have only Anti-russia propaganda, but offer Anti-USA propaganda as well.

In the end a huge pile of puzzle pieces, leaded to this guy getting in contact with extremist groups and so getting influenced with their extremist anti-USA propaganda, which leaded to him doing his bomb plans. Sadly for him and specially sadly for the victims of his attacks. :(


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29 Jan 2014, 8:56 am

I've always been under the impression that the US being interventionist all the time is what causes or helps most of these foreign matters get worse. There are just some things that we as a nation don't need to be involved in.


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29 Jan 2014, 10:59 am

[Moved from Random Discussion to PPR]

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29 Jan 2014, 1:35 pm

Terrorist attacks don't happen in a vacuum despite what our government would want you to believe, Islamic terrorists aren't attacking us because they hate our freedom or way of life. The West has been meddling in the Middle East for more than a century now and our actions over there predictably has come back to bite us in the ass. We've pushed and marginalized these people into becoming extremist fundamentalists, they can't rely on the state or the world to address these greiviences so they are driven to God. This doesn't excuse their methods obviously but one should always try to understand the motivations of why someone would want to hurt us. The OKC bombing was domestic but it doesn't differ in motivation, it was a direct result of our government's actions in Ruby Ridge in 1992 and the massacre of the Branch Davidians in Waco in 1993. Our government would like you to think these are all madmen killers that act without any rhyme or reason but they bare responsibility for creating these monsters.


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29 Jan 2014, 2:04 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Terrorist attacks don't happen in a vacuum despite what our government would want you to believe, Islamic terrorists aren't attacking us because they hate our freedom or way of life. The West has been meddling in the Middle East for more than a century now and our actions over there predictably has come back to bite us in the ass. We've pushed and marginalized these people into becoming extremist fundamentalists, they can't rely on the state or the world to address these greiviences so they are driven to God. This doesn't excuse their methods obviously but one should always try to understand the motivations of why someone would want to hurt us. The OKC bombing was domestic but it doesn't differ in motivation, it was a direct result of our government's actions in Ruby Ridge in 1992 and the massacre of the Branch Davidians in Waco in 1993. Our government would like you to think these are all madmen killers that act without any rhyme or reason but they bare responsibility for creating these monsters.

JIHAD is an interesting word. Have you ever heard it??

On Wikipedia they say this is an "internal" struggle to strengthen a believer's faith. But they also describe the other side of the coin:

"The "lesser jihad" is the physical struggle against the enemies of Islam.[3] This physical struggle can take a violent form or a non-violent form. The proponents of the violent form translate jihad as "holy war",[11][12] although some Islamic studies scholars disagree.[13] The Dictionary of Islam[3] and British-American orientalist Bernard Lewis both argue jihad has a military meaning in the large majority of cases.[14]"

So when the jihad carried the muslims and their "holy" war into Africa and Europe....was this ALSO the fault of the WEST?????????? Something they did wrong??? Not bowing down and becoming subjects and slaves to these muslims????? Should WE bow down low so as not to offend???

The muslims have committed atrocities for many hundreds of years for the sake of lies of their leaders and their religion. They need no outside effort to send them into their jihad or killing rage. Anyone claiming this is an obvious liar as history and facts show.

Almost 200 suicide bombers have detonated in coffee shops and schools killing innocent citizens and children in Israel by these peace loving muslims.....if this was done in the United States how many check points do you think WE would have and what would OUR response be????? These muslims are nothing but inhuman liars pushing their hate and lies to those ignorant of the facts.


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29 Jan 2014, 2:10 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Terrorist attacks don't happen in a vacuum despite what our government would want you to believe, Islamic terrorists aren't attacking us because they hate our freedom or way of life. The West has been meddling in the Middle East for more than a century now and our actions over there predictably has come back to bite us in the ass. We've pushed and marginalized these people into becoming extremist fundamentalists, they can't rely on the state or the world to address these greiviences so they are driven to God. This doesn't excuse their methods obviously but one should always try to understand the motivations of why someone would want to hurt us. The OKC bombing was domestic but it doesn't differ in motivation, it was a direct result of our government's actions in Ruby Ridge in 1992 and the massacre of the Branch Davidians in Waco in 1993. Our government would like you to think these are all madmen killers that act without any rhyme or reason but they bare responsibility for creating these monsters.

Yep. We supported OBL back when he was a leader in the Mujahedin and fighting against the USSR's incursion. We also backed the Pakistani ISI and other fundamentalist groups just to make sure that Russia didn't interfere with our oil supply.

OKC Bombing: Mcveigh was upset about the things he did in Desert Storm and came home an absolute wreck. He also bought into a white supremacist book called "The Turner Diaries" and went around the country selling anti-gun control bumper stickers. There's an interview with him hanging out outside of Waco selling his stuff. Basically, he hooked up with some anti-government militia types and they came up with the plan. All of his accomplices backed out because they realized just how bad this was going to get, and that only McVeigh was crazy enough to actually go through with it. Then he did.

9/11: I theorize that OBL wanted to compel the western world into declaring war on the predominantly Muslim world. He knew they couldn't possibly "win," and that it would severely deplete America's military and financial resources. All the collateral damage and death would drive young men to enlist in Islamic militias out of anger. He said in interviews a number of times that he knew a bunch of paramilitary groups couldn't beat America in a standard war. Instead, he'd fight a war of attrition and slowly diminish America's power. Soooo, that kind of worked out in his favor.

Boston: Neither of them were associated with any significant terrorist group, though the older brother was on a watchlist. In all likelihood, the younger brother really admired his older brother and respected his opinion. So when he comes over to America, it was easy to convince his little bro to participate in his crusade against the west.


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29 Jan 2014, 2:11 pm

ZenDen wrote:
These muslims are nothing but inhuman liars pushing their hate...



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06 Feb 2014, 1:34 am

I will be frank: I sometimes fear that a terrorist bombing may happen in my nation at some unknown time. Not trying to be funny, but I am saying it as the feeling is palpable.

Like the Boston bombings, that come out of nowhere. I still don't know what sort of motive the Tsarnaev brothers had.


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06 Feb 2014, 3:02 am

There's a dangerous tendency for people to ignore what terrorists actually say about their motivations.

Bin Laden and his followers had been going on for years and years about what motivated them. They constantly referred to specific US political actions and alliances that they disagreed with.

Then after 9/11 happened, it seems like everyone (including the US President!) decided that 9/11 happened because of "religious extremism" or "they hate the American way of life".


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06 Feb 2014, 3:25 am

ZenDen wrote:
"The "lesser jihad" is the physical struggle against the enemies of Islam.

ZenDen wrote:
They need no outside effort to send them into their jihad or killing rage.

You're contradicting yourself.

Clearly, these "bloodthirsty Muslims" need to somehow decide which countries are "enemies of Islam". And how do they decide that? Well, they decide it by looking at what the countries do. In other words, they attack other countries based on what those countries do. Which means that they are sent into their "killing rage" by outside effort.