Odd Dreams with Ethanel Rise & Phase of Six Forgotten Wo
Hey, this may or may not be out of this forum's league, but I felt the need to bring this up here. A long while ago, I have had this dream with the phrase "Ethanel Rise" in it, and at the time it was not much of a big deal as I thought that I could sort it out myself. But then a couple days ago, I was up most of the night to past sunrise writing a naughty story (that is major rated R that I would rather not even mention here). After that, I finally went to bed and ended up dreaming this weird bad dream. In the dream, I dreamt of seeing someone getting cuffed and crusified to a pole where I felt for some reason to not do anything about, and then there was some phrase that I forgot what it was that had six words in it. And for some reason, I feel that Ethanel Rise was somehow involved in it.
This is the second time I had a dream with Ethanel Rise in it and I was inside of some castle with an elevator in it. At the time, I seemed to have been leaving and going up the street for something, but then was coming right back. When I came right back, I was having a hard time working the elevator to get downstairs to the scarecrow outside which is that person being put there before. As I was getting frustrated with the elevator, some
old bearded guy came up to me saying that it is those six words to get downstairs. When I got downstairs, I couldn't seem to find my way outside and was being blocked by some creatures before I ended up being wokened up by someone doing something on the computer. At the moment, I'm thinking that the naughty story that I was writing has something to do with it.
I'm feeling that if it is doing damage to my mental state and that I have to, print the naughty story out in its current state, delete the file, and burn the printout with some sort of wiccan chant. After that, forget all about it and work on something else that is a lot better. Anyway, I am wondering if anyone has any ideas about all of this and what in the known universe is Ethanel Rise? And to make matters a little more difficult, I have had a dream this morning that has had those six words in it again (again can't remember what they were) and wanting to know what this is all about.
At this time, I feel like and been told that I need counseling and guidance that would help me find answers to stuff like this. If anyone could be of help or could point me in the right direction to find answers to this, please let me know.
Erik Mouse
"I'm very kind, and easy to please! I'll be your friend, if you give me some cheese!"