American wrote:
A Cause is not necessarily an intelligent creator. While God does explain how the universe came about, what explains how God came about? See, we're back to square one.
Invoking infinite regress is a pretty horrid argument. It is premise three of Dawkin's central argument and even atheists who are trained in philosophy laugh at it. ... d-delusion
Or listen to Thomas Nagel
"All explanations come to an end somewhere. The real opposition between Dawkins’ physicalist naturalism and the God hypothesis is a disagreement over whether this end point is physical, extensional, and purposeless, or mental, intentional, and purposive. On either view, the ultimate explanation is not itself explained. The God hypothesis does not explain the existence of God, and naturalistic physicalism does not explain the laws of physics."
Life is real ! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal ;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.