it's not the first time she stole content. Anitsa scum steal youtubers lets play games videos in her whinefest, and now she steal art work without giving credit.
Thief stealing lets play games footages the proof ... urces.html
looks like i am not the one who is question her non-charity 501 c3 status.
I hope the original art owner report this scum to the IRS ... r-to-anita
Since you state in interviews that the video series infringing on my copyrighted work is non-profit: do you also have valid proof of 501(c)3 status, or a transparent breakdown showing that the Kickstarter campaign’s net earnings (including derivative opportunities such as paid speaking engagements & site donations) are not being used to benefit any private shareholder or individual. ... ing-stolen ... olery.html
and don't forget her Master Jonathan Mcintosh the brains behind this whole operation. this scum was in pyramid schemes working with Bart Bagget who wrote a book calling women he slept with sluts, whores and b*****s and admitted that who targets vulnerable women before she met Jonathan.
Anita's master Jonathan don't know jack about fair use