billiscool wrote:
when Im talking about single mother.Im talking about the drunk party type.
Well, of course you are.
The one who sleep with uncommited
guys.and the ''player''guy who leaves and doesnt take care of his kid,leaves before the kid even born,he leaves the mother on her own.
it's sick,some guy can just walk out on his unborn kid life,and give
no sh**,why do you people,think Im conservative. The idea
that people should be commited to each other,if
not to each other,at least to the kid. What's wrong with that.
if a guy has a kid,he should be there for the kid.
So you don't think people - or at least fertile straight people, in this case - should have sex unless they are completely committed to staying together? I mean, sure, they can use contraception, but that can fail.
My dad dumped my mother, my sister (3 years old at the time), and me (2 months old at the time). I first met him when I was 13, and a few more times since. Before then, it never occured to me I was missing a dad. After meeting him, I was glad he'd left. My mother had the occasional boyfriend, remarrying when I was 20.
By the way, 'sticking around and looking after your kids' is not in any way an exclusively conservative thing. There are many who will consider themselves liberal who do the same, and many who will vote and identify as conservative who'll screw around, cheat, beat up and walk out on their family. There are people who so value marriage they're seemingly compelled to divorce and remarry as though it were a series of five year plans.
That said, the world is not split into this liberal/conservative dichotomy you frame it as, where all conservatives are wonderful and all liberals are evil. A lot of what you praise isn't 'conservative', it's being a decent human being.
Of course, it's probably quite a bit more complicated than that.
You know sometimes, between the dames and the horses, I don't even know why I put my hat on.