Stannis wrote:
What do they give you when you commit yourself? Do you have to pay? What's the food like? Can you leave at any time?
well you still get locked in the psych ward, still have to pay unless you have insurance or medicaid...and the food varies. I have been in a psych ward twice, second time was apparently involuntary but I didn't see it that way because I went willingly some weird policy thing, but the food at that one was pretty good the first one I was at had terrible food that I couldn't really eat much of. Also basically you can leave if its determined you are safe to do so. So hypothetically you could go in voluntarily but then be stuck there longer than you want if they think you're unsafe to leave. But you're still entitled to legal rights and can challenge such decisions if you disagree and such.
as far as what they give you....mostly meds pretty much and some necessities like hospital clothes and toothbrushes and stuff like that if you don't have any. Of course usually people have some family member bring them more clothes and such but stuff as to be checked in as there is all kinds of stuff they don't allow.
We won't go back.