What transgender activists don't want you to know...

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12 Oct 2013, 8:11 pm

http://transgendersurvivor.wordpress.co ... it-anyway/

I thought this was a pretty good article. It knocks down pretty well the feminine essence theory of transsexualism.


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12 Oct 2013, 9:22 pm

Meh. The trouble with psychological theories is that you can make up whatever explanation you want because there's no way to falsify it. I.e. "Gay people are gay because they didn't bond enough (or bonded too much) with one parent or the other." You can't stick a meter in someone's brain to measure their bondedness, and if people try to figure it out from history there's going to be huge amounts of confirmation bias, i.e. "he didn't watch football on TV with dad on Sundays because of lack of bonding," when it was actually due to finding sports on TV incredibly boring. So, physical brain stuff (which I think is suggestive but inconclusive at this point) is easier to take seriously.

As far as "female essence," I agree that it's crap since you can find (born) women who don't like children, hate the color pink, have a low EQ, are good at math, and contrary to endless other stereotypes. Helen Boyd (her partner is trans) had a list like that of BS reasons that people give for being (MTF) trans: liking to cook, liking to give BJs, etc., but rather than concluding that that means that only femme MTF's are really trans she concluded that people can be trans and that those stereotypes of femininity have nothing to do with it.

And, for males inventing theories that say that other people's motivations are about sex -- it's almost comically reminiscent of Freud and his "penis envy," Oedipus complexes, and blah blah. Guys just generally have sex on the brain (especially when they're coke heads) and ought to be more careful about projecting that when making up theories.


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12 Oct 2013, 10:05 pm

The article makes perfect sense to me.

Some men want to become women because they hate their male bodies. Other men want to become women because they want to become attractive to straight men.

It's all in their minds (imo).

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13 Oct 2013, 2:43 am

Fnord wrote:
The article makes perfect sense to me.

Some men want to become women because they hate their male bodies. Other men want to become women because they want to become attractive to straight men.

It's all in their minds (imo).

Actually, for the former group, it is because they are sexually attracted to the idea of themselves as women.


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13 Oct 2013, 3:56 am

Is there any evidence for these claims? Merely claiming that MTF transwomen transition because they're sexually aroused by it does not make it so, and also fails to explain why they have troubles with their gender identity from an early age. Unless, of course, you really do subscribe to Freud, and think that everything humans do, no matter how old they are, is rooted in the desire for sex...


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13 Oct 2013, 4:39 am

Oh god, here we go.


Huh. That was surprisingly not ignorant. At least not as much as I thought.

It's a tricky issue, to be sure. How do you sort those who need that change in lifestyle from those with a severe fetish? Should they be sorted at all? But still I believe that there are definately those who were "born in the wrong body", and that they're likely in the majority.

But it still needs to be considered. Sex change surgery is a messy, long, expensive process, and while it can be reversed, it's not exactly easy. At the same time, the priority must always be the wishes of the patient.

Tricky indeed.

Last edited by Lostathome on 13 Oct 2013, 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.


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13 Oct 2013, 4:56 am

Oh goody, my favourite TV show is on again! And beneficii returns as our illustrious host!

It's a brand new episode of the multiple award-winning Let's get back to bashing and harassing an extremely marginalized group of individuals in society, because - after all - they get off the hook way too easy when they only need to deal with widespread discrimination, stigmatization, ostracism and a ridiculously high suicide rate

This statement alone deserves an Emmy:

Article in the OP wrote:
No matter how badly their wives and children may be hurt by it (and it’s amazing how often there are young children in these families), these guys are unstoppable and will renounce their families and traumatize their young kids, just for the chance to mutilate their bodies and imitate cartoonish images of women and pierce the veil of (i.e. rape) real women’s space and hang out with other dudes with similar sexy interests and wear wigs on top of their damn bald heads every day and constantly have to shave their faces, arms, chests, backs etc in a usually-futile effort to “pass” as a woman.


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13 Oct 2013, 6:13 am

I couldn't even read past the second paragraph the person who wrote this is just an ignorant discriminatory conservative who loves picking on poor minorities who are already oppressed.

There is no such thing as a “woman trapped in a man’s body.” This is a fantasy that men use to excuse their behavior because they don’t want to admit they’re sexually aroused by the thought of themselves dressed and behaving stereotypically “as women.” Heterosexual males who claim to be “transgender” or “transsexual” are really in the throes of passionate autogynephilia, “a male’s propensity to be attracted to the thought or image of himself as a woman.” This is most commonly expressed in the form of fetishistic cross-dressing, though there are variations and degrees. Men who decide to “transition” (i.e. transsexuals) are those who have been caught up in all the sexy excitement. The fantasy becomes sort of a fixed idea that takes over everyday life. With the encouragement of their doctors and shrinks (which is always part of the fantasy), these men take the fantasy too far.

No matter how badly their wives and children may be hurt by it (and it’s amazing how often there are young children in these families), these guys are unstoppable and will renounce their families and traumatize their young kids, just for the chance to mutilate their bodies and imitate cartoonish images of women and pierce the veil of (i.e. rape) real women’s space and hang out with other dudes with similar sexy interests and wear wigs on top of their damn bald heads every day and constantly have to shave their faces, arms, chests, backs etc in a usually-futile effort to “pass” as a woman. They insist that they really are women, just because they say so and have taken estrogen and/or had various unnecessary surgeries, or even just because they say so. These men are so obsessed that they rant with extreme shrillness and violent posturing about zomg haet crimez if anyone calmly tells them what’s really going on in their confused autogynephiliac minds. It is profoundly embarrassing for these fellows to really look within and own the fact that they get a boner (or used to get a boner) when they imagined themselves prancing around in prom gowns or being “forcibly feminized” or using the women’s toilet in a shopping mall while dressed “en femme” (tee-hee!) or taking a walk around the suburban neighborhood at 3 am wearing red high-heels.

Anyone who supports or doesn't condemn this article is guilty of hate crimes.


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13 Oct 2013, 7:18 am

many mtf's are experiencing their gender dysphoria since pre-pubescence, which knocks for six the idea that it is a mere sexual fantasy.

Conservative cultural conditioning forces them to rail against the dysphoria which is why they end up in marriages with children under the guise of heterosexual cis-men.

Being 'normal' is over rated.

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13 Oct 2013, 9:08 am

Lostathome wrote:
Oh god, here we go.


Huh. That was surprisingly not ignorant. At least not as much as I thought.

It's a tricky issue, to be sure. How do you sort those who need that change in lifestyle from those with a severe fetish? Should they be sorted at all? But still I believe that there are definately those who were "born in the wrong body", and that they're likely in the majority.

But it still needs to be considered. Sex change surgery is a messy, long, expensive process, and while it can be reversed, it's not exactly easy. At the same time, the priority must always be the wishes of the patient.

Tricky indeed.

In most countries, they *are* sorted. You're unlikely to be able to get hormones or surgery (from actual professionals, that is) if you haven't been seeing a therapist, who's there (among other things) to stop people who want to transition because of (for example) childhood trauma (i.e. being belittled for their sex whilst growing up, being sexually abused). It doesn't always work, as the "ex-trans" people that certain "Christian" groups like to bring out prove, and those people probably make up a sizeable part of the 1.8% of transsexuals who regret their transition.

But I fail to see how you can consider the article "surprisingly not ignorant". Unless you're comparing it to Betty Bowers...


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13 Oct 2013, 9:45 am

To the OP:

What precisely is your problem with transsexuals?

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13 Oct 2013, 10:43 am

TL;DR: Page full of transphobia.


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13 Oct 2013, 12:30 pm

I dunno, I think separating MtF into autogynephiles and homosexual transwomen is too simplistic (and homophobic.) That said, I do think autogynephilia exists (in a broad sense, I have trouble with the way it's theorised) BUT I don't think it's a bad thing and I get annoyed at how often radical feminists and other people questioning the current thinking on transsexualism portray autogynephilia as being purely about sex, being perverted (in so many words) and always leading men to a sense of entitlement.

Basically, I did a thought experiment where I reversed the genders and applied it to FtM and autoandrophiles. I am mildly autoandrophilic myself, but I'm not trans (I might be sort of genderqueer, though.) I don't fit the mould of butch lesbian who transitions to male. I wouldn't fit that mould even if I did transition because I'm a fairly feminine bisexual woman (with a boyfriend who I have a lot of sex with - not bragging, honestly :lol: ) who sometimes likes dressing up in men's clothing and doing 'male things'.

I have that key component of autoandrophilia in that I sometimes masturbate at the idea of myself having a penis and I would like it if someone admired me in men's clothing and enjoyed doing male things with me. I don't have that desire that some autoandrophiles have, which is to act like stereotypical dominant/rapey cavemen with their imaginary penis,;I like to imagine myself as a sensitive male lover and I like the idea of playing my partner's body like a conductor does with an orchestra. And it is mostly in my imagination and I'm not even particularly attracted to the idea of wearing a strap-on. However, it's not ALL about sex and I do think there's psychological element going on with me that is deeper than that - and in some ways my gender identity IS different to the majority of ciswomen.

I think autogynephiles probably experience something similar in that their experience isn't all about sex, either. I even think there's something of a spiritual element to it, but you can ignore that if you don't have time for that sort of thing (I don't mostly, I'm very sceptical of stuff like that, but I have always felt like my feelings about how gender relates to myself have a 'spiritual' element to them - for want of a better way of describing it.) I would find it insulting and inaccurate if someone said how I felt was a paraphilia and nothing more.

That said, I'm not transsexual because I have zero desire to really change my body to make it more male. I just want a partner that will accept/like that side of me. I think this is easier for me to do because I'm a woman and in some ways the gender boundaries are a bit more flexible for me. I think men who are 'autogynephiles' (the ones who don't fit the hyper-feminine homosexual mould) are under more pressure to transition because society doesn't tolerate in any way men behaving in a feminine way unless they are easily categorised as passive homosexuals. If you're not a particular type of gay man, then you're expected to be 100% manly. It's insulting to both homosexual men and men who aren't homosexual but have feminine traits.

It's also transphobic (obviously) because some people (of all sexual orientations) do have terrible dysphoria about their physical sex. I'm not one of them and that's why I'm not trans, but I can only imagine how terrible it must feel to have really bad dysphoria about your sex. Those people should be allowed to seek whatever medical means they like to help them to feel better. That's why you shouldn't feel guilty about it, but I get the feeling from reading your posts that you do feel guilty. I worry about you - it's one thing reading about different ideas about gender like you are doing, but it's another thing to neglect your needs because the people who write those blogs and articles have a problem with the way you are. You're NOT a pervert, dirty penis-packer, invader of women's spaces, etc...you're a human being that wants to be a woman. That's not a bad thing.

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Last edited by puddingmouse on 13 Oct 2013, 6:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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13 Oct 2013, 1:28 pm

While transsexuals deserve the same respect as everyone else and should not be marginalized, biologically speaking, MtF transsexuals are not "real" women per se. Idolizing Johnny Cash and wishing that I was a legendary southern rock / country singer, does not mean that I am a famous country singer.


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13 Oct 2013, 2:02 pm

Magneto wrote:
Lostathome wrote:
Oh god, here we go.


Huh. That was surprisingly not ignorant. At least not as much as I thought.

It's a tricky issue, to be sure. How do you sort those who need that change in lifestyle from those with a severe fetish? Should they be sorted at all? But still I believe that there are definately those who were "born in the wrong body", and that they're likely in the majority.

But it still needs to be considered. Sex change surgery is a messy, long, expensive process, and while it can be reversed, it's not exactly easy. At the same time, the priority must always be the wishes of the patient.

Tricky indeed.

In most countries, they *are* sorted. You're unlikely to be able to get hormones or surgery (from actual professionals, that is) if you haven't been seeing a therapist, who's there (among other things) to stop people who want to transition because of (for example) childhood trauma (i.e. being belittled for their sex whilst growing up, being sexually abused). It doesn't always work, as the "ex-trans" people that certain "Christian" groups like to bring out prove, and those people probably make up a sizeable part of the 1.8% of transsexuals who regret their transition.

But I fail to see how you can consider the article "surprisingly not ignorant". Unless you're comparing it to Betty Bowers...
Yeah, it seems I missed some of the more stupid parts. Terribly sorry, I've always been awful at reading extremely long things on a computer. All that scrolling, no page turning, and it all just blurs and I lose my place. Either that, or my expectation of some barely coherant rant about"dem transosexuals trying to turn us into them with them mind control beams" coloured my perception a little.

And yes, I've seen such rants before. They're hilarious. It's like what fox news would spit out on speed.

If this is a non issue, why on earth is this guy going to such effort though? He's already lost. That just doesn't make any sense. People rarely do, I suppose.


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13 Oct 2013, 2:19 pm

Kurgan wrote:
While transsexuals deserve the same respect as everyone else and should not be marginalized, biologically speaking, MtF transsexuals are not "real" women per se. Idolizing Johnny Cash and wishing that I was a legendary southern rock / country singer, does not mean that I am a famous country singer.

Fair enough, as long as you pick a definition of real women (female biologically, anatomically, chromosomally, and hormonally) and stick to it. That mean no considering intersexed women as being real women, so no women with CAH or AIS, women who have had certain body parts removed etc.

Can I get that as a signed piece of paper, anyway? I just want to be able to show it back to you when total sex reassignment becomes possible. :lol:
