LoveNotHate wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
A personal fav. to illustrate:
A prominent California poet who used to give spoken essays on PBS TV happens to be of Salish tribe of that state.
He told of a group of blue eyed white hooligans who noticed his brown native American skin. They responded to him as they did to all brownskinned folks they saw, and hollared at him to "GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM".
This caused him to bend over laughing aloud.
In his words:
"It wasnt a 'hate crime'. It was a crime of irony."
Judging by my experience watching videos at the Indian museum on Washington Mall, and articles I read online about Indians.
It seems white people are what remains DNA-wise of some of these Indian tribes. You will see "white people" explaining their Indian heritage. So, in modern days, white people are "home".
My mom was eligible for free college in my state because 1/8 Indian is enough for the state to provide "reparations" with free tuition. I missed out, because I am only 1/16!
Thats stretching the truth considerably.
Though less than two million Americans are even close to being full blooded Indigenous Americans, the number of Whites, with some Indian blood is indeed in the 40-50 million range. But thats still a minority of Whites.
But on the other hand - some White Americans are worried about "the bronzing of America" because of all of these hispanics crossing the Rio Grande. These Mexican and central and south american migrants are mostly mestizo, or even pure Indian. So the intruders are also "native americans". So in a sense - the Indians ARE taking back America.