Al-Qaeda linked ISIS seize Iraq's 2nd largest city Mosul

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10 Jun 2014, 1:08 pm

BAGHDAD (AP) -- Islamic militants overran much of Iraq's second-largest city of Mosul on Tuesday, seizing the governor's headquarters and rampaging through police stations, military bases and the airport as security forces collapsed and abandoned their posts. Gunmen cruised through neighborhoods, waving black banners while residents fled.

The assault was a heavy defeat for Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in the face of a widening insurgency by a breakaway al-Qaida group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The group has been advancing in both Iraq and neighboring Syria, capturing territory in what appears to be a campaign to set up a militant enclave straddling the border.

Earlier this year, Islamic State took control another Iraqi city, Fallujah, in the west of the country, and government forces have been unable to take it back. The far larger Mosul is an even more strategic prize. The city and surrounding Ninevah province are a major export route for Iraqi oil and a gateway to Syria.


They captured the airport, they have taken control of the air crafts, US made humvees and armor vehicles, guns, etc. How many US soldiers died "liberating" Iraq from Saddam only to turn it over to al Qaeda? How many Iraqi citizens? I'd have to imagine more than Saddam ever killed. ISIS is even worse than al-Qaeda, they're even more extreme. The leadership has actually been trying to distance themselves from them for their brutality in Syria, a war that the US supports.

ISIS is also now advancing on Kirkuk, they could lose the whole country. ISIS can shut water off to the rest of the country by controlling Fullujah and Mosul.


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10 Jun 2014, 6:59 pm

We should never have been in Iraq in the first place. These are the consequences of the Bush/Cheney illegal occupation. Did anyone have any doubt that they would return to barbarism once we left? It has been this way for centuries. We left them weapons to play waith? Well, its not like it is the first time, or the last that we have armed our own enemies.

Maybe we should get out of the business of implementing foreign policy that creates enemies? Oh, wait. No profit in that.


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10 Jun 2014, 8:13 pm

khaoz wrote:
We should never have been in Iraq in the first place. These are the consequences of the Bush/Cheney illegal occupation. Did anyone have any doubt that they would return to barbarism once we left? It has been this way for centuries. We left them weapons to play waith? Well, its not like it is the first time, or the last that we have armed our own enemies.

Maybe we should get out of the business of implementing foreign policy that creates enemies? Oh, wait. No profit in that.

100% agree but there is plenty of blame to go around, the weapons and other aid that have been funneled into Syria to fight Assad have fallen into the hands of extremists like ISIS. The "moderate" Islamists that we thought were our friends either joined the jihadists or they got killed by them. It's hard not to think this is deliberate, there is a divide and conquer has been a strategy of the US and Israel in the Middle East for decades now. Strong nationalist leaders scare them much more than sectarian war. With how fast Iraq has collapsed, Afghanistan isn't even question of if the Taliban will return to power but when. We've wasted trillions, thousands of American lives, and millions of civilians lives all over our lust for oil and political hegemony over the strategically important Middle East. America today is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in history.


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11 Jun 2014, 12:23 am

In 05-06, the police force / local army in Mosul was mostly Kurdish. The Arabs who actually lived in Mosul were hesitant about joining the police because of safety. I doubt many Kurds stayed in Mosul after the withdrawal.

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11 Jun 2014, 11:45 am

ISIS has taken control of Tikrit, the former hometown of Saddam Hussein. This is like the Tet Offensive or the fall of Vietnam and nobody is talking about it, Iraq's security forces are literally turning around and running away from ISIS.


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11 Jun 2014, 12:22 pm

Islam. There religion of Peace.



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11 Jun 2014, 12:30 pm

They're advancing on Baghdad now...


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11 Jun 2014, 1:25 pm

ruveyn wrote:
Islam. There religion of Peace.



You've had almost eight decades to learn the difference.


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11 Jun 2014, 2:55 pm

"Mission accomplished" - George W Bush. from the Deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003

'Mission accomplished' indeed. What a despicable piece of shite that man was.

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11 Jun 2014, 2:57 pm

ruveyn wrote:
Islam. There religion of Peace.


I fail to see how its any worse than neo-liberalism, the western ideology of 'freedom', which caused this quagmire in the first place.

Being 'normal' is over rated.

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11 Jun 2014, 4:32 pm

Such awful news!

The Maliki government in Iraq is about to be overthrown by Sunni extremists..
Like Saigon all over again.

The Maliki govt. is ofcourse allied to BOTH the USA, AND to Iran (because his govt. is Shiite).

So...wait. So actually its GOOD news- because this military debacle hurts our arch enemy Iran, and blunts its expanding sphere of influence.

So lets celebrate that the bad guys- I mean- that the GOOD guys winning!

But wait- the militant sunni extremists are really Al Queda- America's worst enemy! They killed 3000 Americans.

So its bad news.

But wait- Al Queda (whom we ourselves founded in the Soviet Afgan war of the Eighties) is our unwitting ally in the civil war next door in Syria!

The fact that Al Queda is conquering territory in Iraq means they are getting stronger- and that means the other side: Assad gets weaker. An Assad is Russia's client.


Whats good for Al Queda is good for the USA! Because its bad for Putin!

So.. Putin is getting his ass kicked! Iran is getting its ass kicked. But the USA is ALSO getting its ass kicked!

So this an extremely bad, good, bad, good, thing thats happening!


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12 Jun 2014, 2:05 pm


ISIS has a literal army now with an air force and SAMs

Iran is sending in troops to fight them

Iraq is disintegrating


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12 Jun 2014, 3:12 pm

Americans being evacuated from Iraqi air base as militants advance

Americans were being evacuated Thursday from a major Iraqi air base as Al Qaeda-aligned militants toppled cities in the country's north and threatened to advance toward Baghdad.

A senior U.S. official confirmed to Fox News that Americans were being evacuated from a base in Balad, which had been one of the largest training missions in Iraq.


They're weighing plans to evacuate the embassy in Baghdad, ISIS only 58 miles away. ISIS took 49 hostages at the Turkish consulate in Mosul.



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12 Jun 2014, 5:25 pm

Jacoby wrote:
all over our lust for oil and political hegemony over the strategically important Middle East. America today is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in history.

If it where just that, then this situation might have never happened. Now it got mingled with high flow idealism to make these countries safe for democracy (under Americas leadership of course) and what is the result?

Afghanistan, like you said it is a question of when the Taliban will return to power.

Irak, see present day mess.

Libya, seems to be a bit out the MSM-attention right now. But not surprise me if Salafist-influence has strongly increased there as well.

Syria, see Irak.

Egypt, elected the Muslim Brotherhood in power until the Egyptian army intervened.

More an object lesson that international politics should be result of cold hearted calculation. Now I did read somewhere that the US-government is now supporting all these groups in the hope that they can be used for a proxy war with Iran. Which could be possible, but then we should ask what they would hope to accomplice by destabilizing large parts of the Middle-East in the long run. Not to mention the consequences of creating more radical Sunni strongholds. This all presuming they can look further ahead then the next elections.