khaoz wrote:
Considering that the plan options include Health Savings accounts and Flexible spending accounts it looks like federal employees have premiums and co-pays just like every other insurance plan.
Yes, most federal employees do pay monthly premiums, and co-pays. However, not HSA plans. I have a HSA, and I am a federal employee. I receive $108 in cash / month deposited into my HSA debit card to spend at my pleasure. HSAs do have co-pays.
Flex Spending is putting one's pre-tax money into a distinct medical expense account; it is not part of FEHB.
Does this mean that employees are paying for their Federal Health Care plan? If so, it is none of my business how they use it.
Only partially. An employee's FEHB health care premium is ~75% subsidized by the employer federal agency (i.e., the federal government).
I don't see information regarding this surgery being an option in the plan that would require higher premium payments. If insurance companies offer coverage for this procedure then Federal Employees should have this option as well. We have no right to judge their insurance choices just because we dont agree with their lifestyle or sexual orientation.
Insurance companies don't cover this procedure though. So, they may use this "new procedure" as a means to justify raising premiums.
After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.