The video was made by 12 year olds. I can forgive their use of violence for humorous effect.
I agree with their cause - people should not say "that's so gay" when they mean "that is really bad", because that implies that being gay is bad, and it harms gay people.
Finally, I would like to share the thoughts of YouTube user PawelK198604, posted below the video:
I do not understand the message of the "campaign" boy fell and was hit in the snout for saying something so trivial as "it's so gay"
Children should know that faggery is not something natural, like the younger boy feels that resound in the homosexual instincts should immediately contact his priest, pastor or rabbi.
In Poland we have Christian centers that treat homosexuals, is an ecumenical initiative: the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and the Church of the Augsburg Confession (Lutheran)
All Christian churches, regardless of theological differences should fight homo propaganda.
A priest once said to a sermon that homosexuality is a disease and should sympathize with homosexuals but also to be persuaded to treatment.
I remember once watching online sermon one priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei Poland, who said that all who sin against God and nature end up in hell.